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The next day Husker get up bright and early and portals down to hell just an hour before his usual shift ,as bartender. Alastor was confused as to why he'd shlep all the way to hell just to tend a bar when he's no longer on Alastor's leash.

He did it for Angeldust of course, and because the booze in hell, is a helluva lot stronger than whatever bullshit heaven calls their sorry excuse of alcohol. Husker swears it can't be more than 2%

Husker went up to Angel's room first but quickly realized he wasn't in there, so he went to his old room. He gawked at how cute the spider looked while he was sleeping. Angeldust was in one of Husker's shirts (when isn't he?), laying in fetal position as he cuddled Husker's pillow.

He decided not to wake the demon spider so he went back down stairs. He went straight into the bar and downed a whole bottle of booze.

When Angeldust woke up he went downstairs. When he noticed Husker behind the bar he immediately headed over. Just like old times.

Husker handed him his usual and placed a kid on the spider's head.

"You're here early handsome." Angeldust observed as he sipped his drink.

"Yeah and you're here earlier than I anticipated too." Husker admitted. "I was gonna wake you but you looked so cute I just couldn't."

"You saw me sleeping?!" Angeldust groaned.

"I've literally slept next to you, on multiple occasions."

"That's different than you seeing me sleep, when you're not next to me." Angeldust stated.

"You embarrassed cause I saw you curled up with my pillow?" Husker teased he grabbed and opened another bottle.

"You saw dat?!" Angeldust hid his face by crossing his arms on the bar top and resting his head on them.

"You're adorable." Husk chuckled taking a nice long swig from the bottle.

"You're an asshole." Angeldust groaned.

"You love me tho." Husker stated as he took another gulp.

Angeldust sat in the bartop flirting innocently with Husker like old times just before it was time for the meeting. Charlie came down the stairs and that was Angel's cue to get a move on. He turned to Husk cupped his face in his hands and kissed the angel passionately before walking off and sitting on the couch in the lobby.

Cherribomb arrived shortly after.

"Husk?! You're alive?!" Cherri cheered.

"Yeah. How you been?" He asked.

"As good as one can be down here. How's upstairs treating you?"

The two caught up before Cherribomb took a seat next to Angeldust.

Up in Heaven

"Emily where is that redeemer?" Sera asked.

"Sir Precious?"

"No! That cat."

"Husker? Probably in his room. Why?" Emily asked.

"We have some matters that need to be discussed." Sera stated.

"I can relay the message he's still getting acquired." Emily lied.

"Very well." Sera reluctantly agreed.

Sera expressed everything Husker had to do, why they were important, and so on.

Back in hell

After the class Husker and Angeldust hung out at the bar with Cherri of course. Cherribomb was very interested in what Heaven was like, Husker went into vast detail. He made sure to mention how annoyed Sera makes him, and how Emily is just as crazy as Charlie. Angeldust was intrigued, and also a bit jealous. He was Happy Husk liked it though, and as long as he can still see him that's all that mattered.

If only this sherade could last forever.

Emily has been covering for Husk every time he's left, but how long until Sera catches on? Husker didn't know and he really didn't care. What exactly would Sera do? Send him where he's been wanting to be? Husk decided it wasn't a big worry.


Imma be honest that photo of Angel and Husk makes me mildly uncomfortable.

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