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Charlie called everyone down stairs early. It was just before the second meeting started. Husk was sat next to her a bottle of his cheap booze in his hand.

Vaggy Cherribomb and Angeldust sat down in the lounge.

"What's this about?" Angeldust asked.

"Charlie's got some things she needs to share with you guys." Husk stated before downing the rest of his booze. He got up for another bottle.

"I have not been honest with you all." Charlie started. Husk opened the bottle and sat down beside her again.

She took a deep breath.

"I played a pretty big role in Husk's death."

Everyone gasped, except Husk.

"Is this about what you were telling me about Alastor? Charlie that's no-" Vaggy was cut off by Charlie.

"That wasn't the whole story, I was scared of what you'd all think of me if I told you I made another deal with him. I didn't know he'd actually kill anyone I thought it was just an exchange of information. Alastor said he knew Husk and Angeldust would go to heaven. They just needed a little push." Charlie explained.

"When Nifty killed Husk, is when I realized what Alastor had meant. I've been trying like hell to get him to back down because I'm pretty sure he's going to try killing Angel." Charlie stated.

"What!?" The three of them yelled.

"Why are you just now saying anything!?" Cherribomb yelled. "when I get my hands on that fucker I'll-" Angeldust cut her off.

"You mean to tell me. This whole time, YOU KNEW Husker was in heaven before you even had that meeting?!" Angedust was furious.

"No I, we thought he wa-" Vaggy cut Charlie off.

"Why the fuck did you make another deal?!"

"I'm- I'm sorry." Charlie was crying now, this was exactly what she expected. Everyone was yelling frantically towards her.

"HOLD IT!" Husk yelled over everyone. "Yes this is bad, but her heart was in the right place. If you guys want to be mad at someone be mad at Alastor for lying and taking advantage of her."

"He's right." Vaggy agreed.

"Well we have been hiding something too." Cherribomb stated.

"Right now?" Vaggy asked. Cherribomb nodded.
Angeldust's eyes perked up, they still hadn't told Charlie?

"What?" Charlie asked wiping away her tears.

"Cherribomb and I..... We uh." Vaggy couldn't bring herself to say it.

"We killed Valentino." Cherribomb stated.

"You what?!" Charlie gasped.

Husker sipped his booze non chalantly. Angeldust just shrugged cause Cherri told him the day it happened.

"You two knew about this?!" Charlie asked looking between Husk and Angeldust. They both nodded.

"Why do you think I wanted you to say something? Cause you all had shit you needed to get off your chests." Husker admitted downing the rest of his bottle.

"God I'm bringing like half the bar back to heaven with me."

"Why?" Angeldust asked.

"Whatever the fuck Heaven thinks alcohol is, isn't alcohol. Shit barely gets me drunk and I drink fifteen of them shits back to back."

"Wow." They all said.

The group had a long chat about secrets and why nobody is allowed to keep any more from this point forward.

Everyone retired to their respective rooms well Husker and Angeldust were in the same room. They chatted about the new information and Husk tried to get Angeldust to understand where Charlie's head was at, and how she couldn't have known Alastor was going to have him murdered. Angeldust didn't understand why Charlie trusted that guy at all but he let it go for Husker.

The two were cuddled up on Husk's bed. Angeldust kissed Husk passionately gripping onto his suspenders and gently pulling at them.

Husker kissed back but pulled away the moment Angeldust tugged on the suspenders.

"Legs.." he said in a warning tone.

"Oh com'on. If I didn't push all your buttons you'd think something was wrong." Angeldust joked.

"Shut up." Husker laughed pulling Angel's face back to his, and kissing him once more.

Eventually it was time for Husk's departure.The worst part of every visit. Husk made Angel's drink before he had to hit the road. Angeldust kissed him good bye, and Husk portaled back up to Heaven with a reluctant sigh. He simply couldn't wait for he and Angeldust to be reunited full time.

Lucifer contemplated all the possible solutions he has for Charlie's predicament. He wasn't sure if any of them would work against Alastor considering just how powerful the demon is. But he's got the advantage of pure angelic power.

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