Chapter 2

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Husker waited for Sera to answer. She sat down at the table, in the corner of his room.

"I'll tell you over a game of cards." Sera insisted.

"You're kidding me." Husker sighed.

"No. It's easier to articulate thoughts into words, when the body is focused too." Sera stated.

"If you say so." Husker sat down across for her, shuffling and dealing the deck.

"So, you care a good lot about a certain soul in hell." Sera stated. Picking up her cards and drawing.

"Yeah. What's that go to do with anything?" Husker asked waiting for her to discard so he could pick up. He discarded as well.

"You've had a big hand in his redemption, more so than Charlie and her hotel alone." Sera stated taking her next turn.


"You aided in Anthony's road to getting clean, his road to getting out of his deal with Valentino. You also helped him become a better version of himself. All of those things considered, redeemed you. You acted selflessly for Anthony and for the hotel as a whole. For that, Heaven considered you Redeemable and when you parished the second time Heaven agreed to let you in." Sera stated.

"So I didn't even have to work on myself?" Husker put down a royal flush. Sera barely had a straight.

"But, You did. By being selfless, We know you used to be an overlord down there, we know you had sold your own soul too. Those are both selfish things and when you backed away from that, and started helping Anthony do better for himself you changed yourself in the process." Sera finished.

"Angeldust is coming here then?" Husk asked.

Sera nodded. "When he parishes."

"Can you help me with something?" Husker asked.

"I can try." Sera agreed.

Down in hell.

Charlie was not in speaking terms with the Radio Demon right now. Vaggy definitely was on screaming terms with the same demon. Cherri wanted Alastor dead for hurting Angeldust indirectly, as well as for the suspicion of wanting to commit the murder of him.

Long story short Angeldust was not left alone. He kinda misses his privacy but he's also not quite ready to die. He's still helping the girls redeem all the newbies. He can't die til his work is done. Everyone kept a very close eye on Nifty as well they weren't sure Alastor would have her so his bidding again but they were not taking any chances.

They were all sat on the couch listening to Charlie's newest lesson in not making deals with overlords. Angeldust added a few of his own pointers into the lesson considering his trauma with his own overlord.

"It's never worth whatever you need or want in that moment. Don't do it they're all liars wanting your soul for more power. They'll never hold up their end of the bargain." He stated.

"And if they do, they twist the words and defy your wishes just to get whatever they want." Charlie added.

After the meeting Angeldust stopped at the bar mixed up what he remembered went into his drink but he definitely didn't use the right ratio. It was much sweeter than Husker's version. Definitely not enough chocolate vodka. He still drank it though. Husker decided it was best to hold off on visiting Even though Sera knew now, he wouldn't want to risk anyone else finding out.

Cherribomb offered to take Angel out tonight, who agreed immediately.

"We taking gay and gayer?" Angeldust asked.

"We could." Cherri stated.

"If I have to be straight again, somebody is eating led." Angeldust stated.

"And here I thought you only did that for me."

"Yeah well, none of my friends getting date raped on my watch."

"Awe Angie! You called them your friends!"

"Fuck off." She pushed her arm gently.

Cherribomb extended the offer to Charlie and Vaggy who agreed.

"Wait!" Vaggy yelled just after they agreed.

"We're trusting murder man with the other guests?" She asked.

"Vagina's got a point." Angeldust stated. Vaggy scowled at the spider.

"Charlie?" Cherri asked. "You trust him enough, to leave him?"

"Not particularly, no." Charlie stated. "you guys have fun I'll stay here." She sat on the couch.

"No." Cherribomb stated taking a seat next to Charlie.

"We go together or we don't go at all." Angeldust also took a seat.

Vaggy sat down too, not saying a word.

"Seriously guys, this is my mess. You guys go have fun."

"If you think for five seconds we're leaving you with mister fancy talk creepy voice, you're nuts." Angeldust stated.

"I really don't think he's much of a threat if Angeldust is with us." Vaggy stated.

"Do we trust the sinners to be here alone?" Charlie asked.

"What are you suggesting?"

"We send Alastor away, say we need him to get some supplies for the hotel."

"Charlie he has souls for that." Angeldust reminded.

"Fuck. I guess he is, just gonna stay here." Charlie groaned.

"I'm sure they'll be fine." Cherribomb stated. "We could always take them with us like last time."

"And leaven Alastor completely alone?" Charlie asked.

"That scares me a bit more." Angeldust admitted.

"Yeah I think we should just go they can definitely hold their own." Vaggy stated.

The group did decide they were going out later. Charlie made it a point to let everyone know they'd be gone and that they have every permission needed to defend themselves against Alastor if he tries any funky shit.

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