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Angeldust woke up the next morning. Recalling what he had done. Nobody needed to know he caved again right? He only did one line, but his head was still spinning.

He sat up and realized there was another demon in bed next to him. He pulled the covers off the bed revealing who he had slept beside.

"Whiskers!?" Angeldust yelled scaring the cat demon awake. Husker sat up and Angeldust immediately hugged him.

"Tell me I'm not still high."

"Do I still look like a poorly drawn purple striped cat?" Husk asked.


Husker ignored it.

"Wait, does that mean you saw m-"  Angeldust's body language changed. Depression set in, once again. Husker nodded.

"Why did you do it Legs?" Husker asked, sympathy was clear in his voice. He just wanted to understand

Angeldust sighed, so pissed with himself. He explained how difficult everything was and how the baggie hit the floor catching his attention, and how he left the room to try and ignore everything but it didn't work out in his favor.

"Are you mad at me?" Angeldust asked.

Husker shook his head, holding all four of Angel's hands in his two.

"You've fought it, til you couldn't." Husker stated, hugging the spider again.

"I'm so sorry I left you. I would have been down here sooner but, Sera had so much shit I had to do, and Emily said nobody can know, I know how to get here because technically angels aren't supposed to. I don't know, I don't fully understand."

"You're here now." Angeldust said.

"Who's been tending the bar without me?" Husk asked.

"Mimsy was but, Charlie thinks Alastor ate her but she doesn't want to know if that's true."

Husker was confused so, Angeldust explained what happened and what Mimzy said.

Angeldust nodded. "In front of Al."

"Oh, then yeah. She definitely got ate." Husker laughed.

Husker got out of bed. Angeldust staired at him admiringly. The new get up was a lot to take in so quickly.

"Oh, yeah Heaven gave me a new look. Kinda miss my black pants." Husker stated.

"White looks good on you. And I'm diggin' the new daddy straps." Angeldust stood up, running a finger along his new suspenders.

"Don't you dare." Husker warned.

"What?" Angeldust asked, before kissing Husker. The cat angel obliged.

"I've missed you so much." Angeldust breathed after the two pulled away.

"I missed you too." Husker agreed.

The pair went downstairs and Husker walked behind the bar mixing a special drink.

"Oh my lust! How I've missed you!" Angel said dramaticlly, sipping the drink.

"You haven't had it?"

"I haven't drank at the bar since the day you died."


"I never left your room." Angeldust stated. Husker's eyes went wide.

"I just missed you and your room is so comforting!" Angedust assured. "I did drink a lot of the booze in your fridge." He admitted.

"You drank my 'putrid' booze?" Husker laughed.  "Wow, you really did miss me."

"It was right there and I didn't have to socialize to get it. And it kept me from wanting to destroy your room for my shit, cause I'd drink til I passed out this whole week you've been gone."

"Angeldust." Husker sighed.

"There's still two bottles in there I think." Angeldust stated.

Husker couldn't stop the smirk appearing acrossed his face.

"Even if I wanted to be mad at you, I simply can't do it."

Charlie and Vaggy postponed the first meeting to twenty minutes later than normal. They were discussing Angel's choices from last night.

Charlie had sat down after she finished expressing her feelings about the situation.

"I know and I'm so sorry. The bag fell on the ground and I saw it, I really wish I hadn't, but I did. When I saw it I tried to ignore the fact that it was there, I really did. I even ran into my room with Nuggets. But I couldn't keep ignoring that feeling. The more I ignored it, the more I wanted it. The more I missed Husker cause he'd help get me through it before it got to that bad." Angeldust explained.

"Why didn't you come to one of us? We can't help you if you don't tell us when you're dealing with too much." Vaggy stated.

"I guess running back is easier than talking about it." Angeldust sighed. "I'm really sorry."

"We're also at fault for not checking on you a bit more." Charlie finally said.

"Yeah. I'm sorry we didn't do more to make it easier." Vaggy agreed.

"Thank you for caring about me."

The day went on like normal but, eventually Husker had to portal back to heaven.  He kissed Angeldust good before leaving.

"This feels so forbidden love." Angeldust groaned before plopping on the couch.

"What?" Charlie asked.

"Husk having to come here and back just to see me." He explained.

"You'll figure it out. You two always do." She agreed.

Husker got back into his room. God he knew he missed Angel, but seeing him even for such a short time made him realize how much it really was. He ran his fingers through the fur on top of his head and grabbed a bottle of booze from the fridge. Wait! He forgot to ask a very important question.

Where the fuck is Valentino?!

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