Chapter one.

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"The fuck is this?" Husker groaned, taking in the new surroundings. Soft, puffy clouds, a Huge golden gate before him, a golden podium, with an open book on it, an angel behind it. He looked down noticing the gold floor he was standing on, as he observed that he traded his black, pants and black daddy straps for white pants red suspenders, a white bowtie with red detailing near the center.

"How the fuck did I get -" Husker was cut off

"Hi!" A very enthusiastic male voice called. Even more enthusiastic than Charlie.

"Welcome to heaven!" Saint Peter bellowed.

"The fuck?!" Husker yelled.

Saint Peter was taken aback by the language.

Emily and Sera floated down. "Hello, Husker. We've been expecting you."

"WHAT?!" Husker didn't understand. The angels flew Husker, up to the Court Room of heaven. Where all the angels were gathered for the special occasion.

Husker felt around his pockets, dissatisfied when they were empty.

"Where the fuck are my cards!?" He yelled.

"Oh you won't be needing those, here." Sera stated with a chuckle and a dismissive hand flip.

"Oooookay where the fuck is my beer?"

Sera ignored him.

"May we introduce to you, for the first and second time, a soul has been successfully redeemed. Sir Pentious, and company Husker!" Emily annouced enthusiasticly.

"Good to ssssssee you Husssker!" The snake stated. "how are my Egg Bois? How is missss Cherribomb?" He has so many questions.

"It's great to see you to man, but There's got to be a mistake!" Husker exclaimed. "I'm not the one who should be here!"

"You're talking about The Ssspider?" Pentious asked.

"Yeah, and he's got a name ya know!" He yelled.

"Now, now. Heaven, decided upon you." Sera explained, in a tone that was cold.

"Look, I don't care how it works, but I need to get back down there." Husker stated.

"What could possibly be down there, that would make you even consider going back?" Sera asked.

"My boy-, Angeldust is down there. He needs to know I'm okay!" That was odd, why couldn't he finish the word.

"Your? Ssson?" Sir Pentious

"My Boy$#!3$d!" He yelled." What the fuck?!" Why can't he say the word!

"What?" Emily asked.

Husker had to think. How else can he say what he was trying to say.


"AUUUUUH!" Every Angel took a deep audible breathe. Gasping in shock.

"A gay?!" Emily whispered happily!

"In Heaven?!" Sera seemed disgusted.

All the angels murmured amongst themselves.

"IT IS SO NICE TO MEET YOU!" Emily yelled.

Oh great, this bitch is even more Delulu than Charlie. Husker thought.

"Look, this is great and all, but I need to get back down there. He's the one who should be here, I haven't done a damn thing to Change myself. But he's grown so much and yet you still don't accept him! WHY?!" Husker was furious. He was so fucking content knowing this would Never happen for him. Furious that Angeldust has been overlooked by these cunts again!

Never say never I guess.


Okay so I misspelled delusional and I use the word Delulu A lot. Like an unreasonable amount of times. My phone autocorrected whatever the fuck I spelled to Delulu and I laughed so hard I had to keep it. I don't think Husk would ever say the word, but he could think it, and its fanfiction so i dont care XD

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