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"Husk, it's time." Sera stated.

"Don't tell me Alast-"

"No. This was destined." Emily stated.

Back in hell

Vox ran, down every flight of stairs until he got down to the first floor of the building. Charlie saw him and immediately pulled Vaggy round a corner. She waited til the door opened to jump out in front of the demon, shovung her spear in his way.

"What the fuck did you do!?" She yelled.

"Welcome to Heaven!" Saint Peter bellowed.

"What?!" Angeldust yelled.

"Someone should be here to give you a tour soon."

As if on queue Sera, Husk and Emily floated  down to the gate.

"Welcome Anthony." Sera said.

Angeldust immediately ran to Husk and hugged him.

"You made it!" Husk exclaimed before kissing the demon. Angel kissed back, and pulled away after a while, but still had his arms wrapped around Husker.

"There's, somebody who's missed you." Emily said in a sing-song tone. Husk chuckled, an all knowing smile plastered on his face, as he took a swig of his alcohol.

The gates opened and there stood Angel's sister.

"Molly!" He yelled, letting go of Husker who just followed after him as he ran off anyway.

"Anthony?!" The female spider yelled running towards him too. The siblings embraced each other in a tight hug.

"Don't you ever fucking leave me again! You here me? Molly stated cupping her brother's face with two of her hands, after the hug concluded.

"I'd never dream of it." He stated.

"Husk's tells me you're a famous celebrity down there." She said.

"Husk." Anthony shot him a look, as if to say 'what the fuck?'

"Well, you are. Ain't ya?" He chuckled.

Anthony rolled his eyes. "Just get over here and kiss me, asshole."

Molly chuckled, realizing hell hadn't changed much about her brother, at all.

Husk walked over to his boyfriend and gladly kissed him. Angeldust quickly deepened the kiss. Husk's ran his fingers through Anthony's hair.

"Awe!" Molly gawked.

In the distance she could see Sera grimacing at the display. Emily gently slapped her sister.

"Gay IS okay!" Emily stated. "They're literal proof it's not a sin!"

"If you keep looking at my brother like that, and we're going to have a problem Sera." Molly warned, only half joking.

The couple slowly ended their make out session. Husk and Molly showed the new Angel (haha puns) around most of heaven.

Emily had immediately informed Charlie about Angel's arrival. Vaggy took it as a go ahead. Vox was met with the same fate as Valentino. Though neither of them were around to share it.

Husk and Anthony occasionally would visit the Hotel, generally hanging out with their not-so-newly found friends and helping guide the new sinners (and Cherribomb) on their path to Heaven. One of the days they even had Sir Pentious join them to surprise Cherri, who took it as an incentive to keep trying even if she messes up again. Of course she was the next to be redeemed.

Charlie's dream not only came true but hell was thriving with sinners trying to change and be at least a little better, even if they didn't check in at the hotel.

Lucifer stated at the hotel full time now that the influx of sinners became hard for two demon to manage.

"See Charlie? You did it!" He told his daughter. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks dad!" Charlie hugged her dad so tightly if he wasn't an angel he'd have probably stop breathing.

The end

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