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The entirety of the hotel left after the second meeting. Except for Mimsy, and Alastor who were talking 'buisness.' Nifty was at the hotel as well. She's been banned from alcohol after last time.

"I never thought I'd see the day you go soft." Mimsy stated pouring the radio demon a drink.

"I'm not going soft, Getting him to heaven was the only way. Seriously Mimsy you underestimate me."

"How do you know she isn't lying?" Mimsy asked.

"Now you sound like Husker." Alastor stated sipping the drink.

"Eve wouldn't dare lie to me. Especially not when Charlie's daddy could do so much damage." He stated.

"YOU HAVE EVSSKSJSKSJJS-" Alastor covered her mouth.

"Oh I knew I'd regret putting you in charge of the bar. This stays between us Mimzy."

"You have my word." She said crossing her fingers.

"I better. We wouldn't want anything to happen to my dearest friend." He chuckled manically.

At the bar.

Charlie and Vaggy were dancing only a little tipsy. Angeldust and Cherribomb were at the bar.  Chugging shot after shot.

"Bottoms up bitch!" Cherri yelled downing two shots at once.

"That's not'in" Angeldust had a shot in all six of his hands he downed all of them at once.

"You wanna dance?" Cherribomb asked.

"Not particularly." Angeldust stated.

"Another round of shots?"

"Bet!" Angeldust agreed.

"Alright but if you start your shit, I'm cutting you off."

"If you didn't it would be a bad night." He stated.

"You think I ain't know that?" She laughed.

Some time passed, Charlie was obviously drunk, Vaggy was still just tipsy.

Some song was playing in the background and Charlie clearly didn't know the words or she was just that drunk her words all slurred together, didn't stop her from singing though.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." Vaggy told her wandering off.

Next contestant by Nickelback started blaring through the club.

I judge by what she's wearing
Just how many heads I'm tearing
Off of assholes coming on to her
Each night seems like it's getting worse
And I wish she'd take the night off
So I don't have to fight off
Every asshole coming on to her
It happens every night she works
They'll go and ask the DJ
Find out just what would she say
If they all tried coming on to her
Don't they know it's never going to work

Charlie just danced and sang along to the song minding her own business, some big octopus looking fucker walked over to her, flirting and trying to feel her up.

This time somebody's getting hurt
Here comes the next contestant

Charlie was way to drunk to handle herself, dispite telling the guy she'd like to be left alone while she waits for her girlfriend to come back. This guy wasn't taking the hint. And Angedust didn't like where it was going.

Angeldust downed another shot before walking over to her protectively.

He wrapped two of his arms around her, and in a stereotypical straight sounding voice he said.

"This punk bothering you babe?" He asked. Charlie immediately looked to the spider confused. Eventually she  realized what Angeldust was trying to do and nodded.

"I suggest you leave my girl here, alone." Angeldust stated in a threatening manner.

"Or what?" The Cthulhu asked.

Is that your hand on my girlfriend?
Is that your haaaand?
I wish you'd do it again
I'll watch you leave here limping
And I wish you'd do it again
And I'll watch you leave here limping

"I didn't wanna have to do this but." Angeldust retracted his third set of arms holding his Tommy guns. The Cthulhu gulped putting his arms up in defeat and walking away.

There goes the next contestant

"You alright?" Angeldust asked in his normal voice.

"Yeeeah, tha-anks Annnn-giiie." Charlie slurred.

"You're lucky I agreed to come here. You're way too fucking polite for your own good." Angeldust sighed.

Angeldust and Charlie went back to the bar.

"Char, I think you've had enough." Angeldust said taking the shot from her hand and downing it.

"I'm fiiiiuune!" Charlie denied taking two other shots off the counter.

Cherribomb was on the dance floor, having a grand ol time.

Vaggy came back from the bathroom frantically looking for Charlie. Angeldust extended his arm so Vaggy could see it through the crowd.  "She's over here Vagina!" He yelled.

"I'm gonna kill him." Vaggy groaned to herself, walking to the bar.

Charlie was downing shots like Husker would down a bottle of cheap booze, it was morbidly comforting to Angeldust.

"I tried cutting her off. She stole my shots." Angeldust stated.

"I think it's time to go." Vaggy stated.

Angeldust nodded in agreement.

Vaggy rounded up the hotel guests while Angeldust held Charlie in front of him making sure he couldn't lose track of her, as they snaked their way through the crowd and over to Cherri.

"Hey, we're heading out. Someone's had way too much." Angedust said patting Charlie's shoulders.

"She looks like she could handle a bit more." Cherri tried to argue.

"Cherri, I had to pretend to be her man! That freaky faced fuck was all over her snd she was being way to nice about it." Angeldust explained and pointed over to the Cthulhu.

"OH!" Her eye widened she reached over to a table grabbing a random glass and downed whatever was in it.

"Yeah let's get out of here."

The group met up outside and piled into the Limo

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