Chapter Three

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"Niiiiiiiifty........... Niiiiiiiifty......." The hotel's interior was glowing green as Alastor's True form roamed the halls looking for the genocidal made.

Alastor made his way downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Come out come out, wherever you are." He opened a cabinet.

"WHACK!" Nifty yelled hitting the top of Alastor's head with a frying pan.

"WHAT THE FUCK NIFTY!" Alastor yelled shifting back into his usual appearance.

"I'm not doing it!" Nifty ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. Up the stairs and right to Vaggy and Charlie's door. She pounded her fists into the door rapidly.

Charlie opened the door. Nifty continued pounding where the door used to be only hitting Charlie now. Charlie lifted the tiny demon and brought her into the room and shut the door.

"HELP!" Shrieked the tiny demon.

"What's wrong Nift?" Vaggy asked in a calm tone.

"Alastorwantsme to kill the pornstarandidontwantto, I think he's gonna eat me!"Nifty breathed all at once.

"One more time a little slower." Charlie asked.

"Alastor wants me to kill the spider and I don't want to. I just hit him with a frying pan and run up here!" She said out of breath. "I think he's gonna eat me like he ate Mimzy!"

"No He will not!" Charlie yelled. She quickly grabbed her phone and called her father.

"It's fucking time."

Charlie could hear her father's spit take over the phone.

"So soon? I'll be there in an hour." Lucifer stated.

Angeldust and Husker were seated at the bar, as Alastor walked up to them.


Husker lifted Angeldust off the bar stool and over the bar top so he was standing behind the bar next to him.

"I wouldn't do anything with witnesses around. You of all people should know that Husker." His voice twisted into something diabolical.

"I kicked your ass once I'll do it again." Angel spat at the Radio Demon.

Alastor wiped his face a look of annoyance plastered on it as he did so.

"You're not laying a finger on him regardless. Neither is Nifty or anyone else you might bait into your dirty work."

"What you want to be the one to kill him? That could be arra-"

"You sick fuck!" Husker yelled. "He's not dying on my watch. Especially not by your will."

Lucifer walked through the door. "Charlie!" He called. Before realizing Alastor was by the bar already. He lifted the deer by his collar and threw him across the room watching him land gently on the couch.

"You are much stronger than your height let's on." Alastor sat up and straightened his tie.

Charlie and Vaggy rushed down the stairs.

"Is everyone alright?" Vaggy asked calmly but quickly, as she looked around the room. Lucifer flexed his fingers admiring his nails like the sassy man he is.

"Everyone would be just fine if Charlie didn't cross me." Alastor transformed his voice twisting as his body contorted, his antlers growing and he crawled towards the princess.

"Back the fuck away from my daughter!" Lucifer sprinted at The Radio Demon blasting him with his Angelic power.

Husker's and Angel's eyes narrowed in shock.

Alastor, was incinerated?

"No no that's too easy!" Husker stated.

"He's gone Husk." Angeldust held onto Husker's shoulders with two of his hands and his other two pointed to where his body would be against the wall had he not been obliterated.

"He can teleport. There's no way he died that fucking easily." Husker stated.

"He's not dead." Lucifer stated.

"How do you know that?" Vaggy asked.

"His broadcasting light is on."

"Ohhhh" they all said in unison except, Husk who looked exasperated.

"Maybe he'll back down?" Charlie asked.

"Fat chance." Husker sighed, drying a glass with a towel. "He doesn't stop til he gets what he wants."

The next day Husker woke up in Angel's room. Cuddled up next to the demon in question. He nuzzled his head in the crook of the spider's neck trying and failing to get back to sleep. Hw went down to the bar for a bottle of his habit and tended the bar as he waited for his boyfriend to awaken.

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