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Angeldust couldn't bear the urges. He was freaking out. It might as well have been calling him. He fell asleep for a short while. His dreams weren't pretty though. He knew Val was dead but the moth still haunted him. When the day fades and he slips to sleep, Valentino still roams his mind, his thoughts, his actions, everything.

Three hours later it's nearly six o'clock, he woke with a start. Gasping for air from the horribly lucid dream involving the Pimp he wished he never sold himself to. He curled his knees to his chest and sobbed for roughly twenty minutes.

Angeldust gave in, his tear stained puffy face showed just how much he fought but, he just couldn't do it anymore.

He ran back into Husker's room after what felt like forever just sitting there thinking about how much everything would stop hurting. He jumped onto the bed and reached down between the bed and the wall for the clear Ziploc bag.

He cleared space on Husker's night stand poured the powder and cut it into a good line. The PCP burned like it always did but the effects were immediate.

"He's been chilling in your room, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you." Charlie said. Angeldust couldn't really hear her though.

"Alright, thanks Charlie." Husker said.

Husker opened the door just as Angeldust was about to snort another line of the substance with the same name. Husker's eyes went wide the moment he opened the door.

Angeldust was too high to notice, anyone even walked in.

Husker yelled as he darted into the room, pushing the demon away from his night stand so he was laying half on the bed, his legs were over the edge.

Angeldust blinked several times. "You're not real." Angeldust assured himself. "I'm just high."

"Angel what the fuck!" Husker yelled.

"There's no way you're real." Angeldust groaned, his head spinning in denial, his eyes started rolling back

"Christ!" Husker yelled. "CHARLIE!"

Husker began slapping Angels face lighting trying to keep him responsive.

"Husk what's wro-" Charlie rushed into the room. "Shit."

Vaggy followed after her.

"Fuck what do we do?"  Charlie asked

"I don't know!" Vaggy yelled.

"What the fuck did you take?!" Husker yelled.

"It was under the bed." Angeldust mumbled out.

"Why was that in your room?" Vaggy asked.

"I hid all of his shit, from him cause he just needs to know they're around. I didn't think he'd ever find any of it, let alone use them." Husker explained

"I also didn't expect to die, or go to Heaven either."

"How did you even get down here?" Charlie asked.

"How did Adam and the exorcists get here?"

"You can teleport?!" Vaggy and Charlie asked surprised.

Husker nodded. "I wish I tried it out sooner." He groaned.

Angeldust was so fucking high the room was spinning and he was convinced husker was a certain purple cat. 

"Why is the Marshmallow Princess upset?"

Vaggy faceplamed.

Angeldust was out of it for quite a while.

The girls decided to leave Husker alone with him because they did have many things to tend to, and when Angeldust does sober up, Husker should be the first person he sees.

"You sound a lot like my boyfriend, Mr. Cheshire Cat."

"Angel I am your boyfriend!" Husker groaned.

"Nooo. My boyfriend is double dead."

"Noo, your boyfriend came down from heaven to see you and you're a mess!" Husker was annoyed.

Husker spent way to much time  arguing with the unsober spider, who probably won't remember any of this in the morning.

"How fucking high are you?! Fucking Christ Angel." Husk shook his head, mentally wishing he dropped in sooner.

"Uh very." Angeldust said.

"Look can you just go to bed?" Husker groaned.

"Okay Cheshire." Angeldust laid down and covered himself up and slowly tried to doze off.



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