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Vox was livid since Valentino's disappearance. He knew Angeldust probably had something to do with it and to say he wanted revenge was an understatement. All he'd talk to Velvette about was how he was going to skin the spider alive if he finds out he truly was behind it.

He was locked away in his office looking through camera footage trying to find anything that could possibly lead to what happened to his lover.

"Come on asshole our reservation is in a half hour." Velvette yelled from behind the door.

"Fuck!" Vox yelled slamming his fist on the key board in anger he's not any closer to knowing what happened, and he he can't stomach the thought of loosing Velvette too. He stood up from his desk. He shut the monitors off and opened the door stepping into the lobby and embracing his girlfriend. They left the V Tower, going into Velvette's car and driving off to the restaurant for their date.

Angeldust was sitting in the lobby as his boyfriend appeared popping out of the portal from heaven before it closed.

"Heya Husky." Angeldust said in a flirtatious way.

"Hey Legs." Husker stated.

It had been weeks since Alastor's last attempt at offing the spider for his own gain. Everyone was very protective of the spider not letting him out of sight for long periods of time. He's been sleeping with his door locked even if Husk is with him for the added security.

Of course, Alastor could teleport int his room regardless of the dorm being locked but Angel still felt safer with it locked.

"How you doing?" Angel asked.

"Alright. A little tense, but Sera has a plan in place to protect you, Emily isn't fully on board so it's really in case all else fails." Husk stated. "You alright?"

Sera's plan was simple but due to the violent nature of the plan Emily would only allow it if everything else they're doing to protect Angeldust fails. She doesn't like that Sera as the angels in exorcist fleet on standby but she understood that Alastor's power hungry attempts at controlling who goes where, and why is a very dangerous threat to all souls.

"Can't complain." Angeldust stated.

Husk and Angeldust left the hotel with fat Nuggets cozy in Angel's purse, as they went on a stroll through pentagram city. They stopped at their usual spot for coffee to go. Of course they had to get Fat Nuggets something too. They continued their little voyage through hell. It wasn't hard to see what Charlie sees in hell, once you get passed all the murders, and drug deals. And cannibals feeding on carcasses. The potential is there and these sinners just needed someone who believed in the they way Charlie and now Emily do.

Husk's arm was protectively wrapped around Angels waist as the couple walked. The chatted and laughed to themselves.

From a distance the couple spotted the silhouette of a certain self proclaimed spunky powerhouse demon.

"Is that?" Husk asked.

"CHERRI!" Angeldust yelled as loud as he possibly could.

The minute the other demon started running towards them Husker had his answer.

"ANGIE!" Cherri yelled as she ran towards the other two demon, wrapped her arms around both of them as the momentum left her body.  "Oh my God! I love your outfit!" She exclaimed admiring Angel's clothes.

He was wearing a bubble gum pink cropped sweater with black buckle details and a black mini skirt and his usual thigh high boots, he was also wearing black and pink striped, fingerless gloves that stopped just past the wrists of his upper two arms, and pink fishnet gloves of the same length on the bottom arms.

"Thanks! You look great too!" He complemented.

"Is that creepy dude with the microphone still trying to attack you?" Cherri asked, mildly worried about her friend.

"No clue. Hasn't tried anything but that means as much as Pentious'  Egg Bois." Husk stated.

"They made it to heaven?!" Cherri asked excitedly. She knew Sir Pentious did, but she was very worried his egg minions didn't go with him.

"Oh my God I hate it! Frank was cool, but fuck those other guys! They are so annoying."

Angeldust couldn't help but chuckle.

The trio ended up walking back to the hotel together. Husker drank his booze sitting in the lounge with the sinners during the meeting, he really didn't need to, but he missed seeing Angeldust every day so he decided to sit beside him on the couch while he half-heartedly paid attention to whatever topic Charlie picked for today.

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