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The more Vox went through the surveillance footage the more vengeful he became. He banged his head against the keyboard accidentally fast-forwarding.

"THIS IS FOR ANGIE!" blared through the speakers, Vox immediately looked up at the screen before him. There it was plain as day. Of course! Angel was too much of a pussy to kill Valentino himself he had Cherribomb and the Princess's littl girlfriend do it for him.

He was going make him pay.

Husker wasn't able to visit today due to some 'important' bullshit he needed to do for sera.

It was the middle of the night. Everyone was in the lobby, including Alastor who had enough close encounters with double death to annouce he has stopped trying to Kill Angeldust, when the power went out.  Usually it wouldn't be a problem since he hotel was built with her and her father's power and all Charlie had to do was snap her fingers and fix it. But that didn't work.

"Uh oh." Was all she said

"Uh oh, what?" Angeldust asked semi frantically.

Charlie just kept snapping.

Vaggy got up off the couch, grabbed a flagliyand went down to the basement, to investigate. She went to the circuit Breaker and saw it sparking and smoking. She immediately ran upstairs.

"Someone's tampered with the circuit! It's busted." Vaggy annouced as she got back to the lobby.

"Alright everyone stay here, I'm going to grab some flashlights and candles." Charlie instructed going I to the kitchen. She and Vaggy placed candles everywhere in the hotel and started lighting them. She was currently upstairs, Vaggy was in the hallway downstairs.

"AH!" someone screamed. Charlie ran down the stairs and Vaggy rushed back into the room.

The lights were back on.

"Is everyone alright?" Charlie asked.

A crowd of 'Yeahs' 'We're fines' and "I think so's" filled the room in response.

"Wait." Vaggy said.


Everyone immediately looked at Alastor.

He put his hands over his head as a plea of innocence. "I swear I didn't do this."

"Shit." Vaggy yelled.
"Alastor, you're in charge until Charlie and I get back. No deals, no bullshit. Just keep them safe." She instructed, before she and Charlie ran off in search for the porn star.

Angeldust couldn't see anything. He knew he was grabbed but they threw something over his head. All there was was darkness. Whatever was put over his head was quickly removed the moment he was thrown into a room. It was still pitchblack

Vox flipped the light switch and the lights turned on with a thud.

Angeldust knew exactly where he was.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He yelled at the TV head.

"You think I wouldn't find out you had your little friends fuckin kill Valentino!?" Vox spat.

"What?!" Angeldust yelled in a question. Vox threw a punch hitting Angeldust in the face. The brass was cold against his face he winced in pain his eyes bruising instantaneously.

"You hard me. I saw it on the surveillance footage." He answered kicking the demon

"W-what surveillance?" Angel asked.

"I have cameras all over the city. You think Val would hv ever let you stay at that hotel if I didn't have eyes on it?" He laughed.

"Listen here you Flat Faced Fuck. I didn't tell either of them to do anything! You wanna know what fuckin happened fuckin be a fuckin man and let me talk." Angeldust yelled.

"I hear what I heard, and I saw what I saw!" Vox yelled hitting the demon again.

"Oh so you have cameras inside the hotel? Bullshit you do." Angeldust spat standing up.

"What does that matter?" Vox asked getting ready to throw another punch.

"He went there, he started a fight, he tried to kill me and Husk is dead because of him!"

"He killed your little bartender?" Vox asked.

"He didn't kill him but if he just left me the fuck alone he'd still be here and not-" Angeldust cut him off, Vox didn't need to know Husk went to Heaven.

"Then, that changes nothing to me!" Vox punched the demon over and over again, until Angeldust didn't get up.

Vox walked out of the room, washed his hands clean.

"Are you sure you know where you're going, hon?" Vaggy asked as they two demon's ran.

"Yes." Charlie stated.

She's only been to his workplace once but it's the only building with a giant glowing V on it. "There!" She called out.

She and Vaggy rushed to the door of the building.

"It's locked, How are we getting in?" Vaggy asked.

"Where the fuck am I now?" Angeldust asked.

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