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Emily  spoke with Lucifer. She explained that Husker was in heaven but he wanted to be back in hell.

"Hold on, Husker is in heaven?" Lucifer laughed.

"My point!" Husker stated.

"How would I get him back to hell? Can I set something up with Charlie so she at least knows he's here?" Emily asked.

"I'm not sure if he can go back to hell without falling. But I can set up a meeting and have Charlie go in my place."

"How do I fall?" Husker asked.

"Comit treason by trying to be nice to humanity." Lucifer stated.

"What?" Emily asked.

"They didn't tell you the story?  Okay I'll also have Charlie bring the book." Lucifer stated.

"Do you still have divine judgment?" Emily asked.

"No idea. Not like heaven would want me to know that."

"If you do, you could tell Heaven you think he belongs to hell." Emily stated.

"Heaven has never listened to me."

"Sera's Heaven never listened to you. She's handing Heaven to me soon, I'm going to try and run things in a way that is more fair."

"You got big dreams kid." Lucifer said.

"Remind you of anyone?" Husker asked.

"Not that I can think of."

"Charlie is so much like you it hurts."

"Awe, my daughter is like me? No way, she so much cooler." Lucifer stated.

"Now that you mentioned it, her dream isn't so far off from Charlie's."

"No fucking shit Sherlock!" Husker yelled as he faceplamed.

Lucifer immediately called Charlie with the information. Also instructing her to fill in for him at the meeting. He alsomade sure Charlie understood how imperative it is to bring the book.

Obviously Charlie agreed. She was also very glad Alastor's plan worked out, regardless she felt shitty. It was a huge thing to hide from her friends. Especially from her girlfriend. She debated wether or not she should tell Angeldust, he went to heaven.  Would that cheer him up? Would that make it worse? She didn't know, so she decided she's ask Cherribomb tomorrow, she knows Angeldust better than any of them.

She went up to her room. Vaggy was there sitting on the bed jotting things down in a notebook.

"Hey Vaggy." Charlie said walking in.

"Hey, Hun." Vaggy answered

"My dad just called.. I have a meeting in Heaven with a certain bar tender, tomorrow." Charlie stated.

"HUSK IS IN HEAVEN?!" Vaggy rejoiced. "Did you tell Angedust?" She asked.

Charlie shook her head. "I don't know how he'd react, what if I tell him, and it makes him even more out of sorts?"

"That's understandable." Vaggy stated. She couldn't really argue considering she's doing the same thing.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Vaggy asked.

"No! You gotta stay here, Angeldust might not go to the meeting but, check in on him please. He doesn't need to be there anyway." Charlie asked.

Angeldust was in Husker's room as usual. He was curled up in a ball wrapped up in all the blankets. He wasn't crying, but he was obviously depressed, more today than he's been since it happened. The thoughts spun in his head, and all he wanted was Husker's presence, some how the cat demon managed to keep the thoughts from spiralling, from getting so unbearably loud. The more he tried to ignore them, more intrusive thoughts come. He hated himself for doing this to himself. Why is doing drugs easier than actually coping?

It's bullshit. It's all bullshit.

The next day

Charlie and Vaggy prepped for the meeting before Charlie had to run along.

Vaggy started class five minutes late because she wanted to give Angeldust time. He didn't come down. Cherribomb offered to talk to him but Vaggy declined.

"I do appreciate that, but he's okay right now. If he's not feeling it, let him be." Vaggy stated.

With that she started class.

The bar wasn't really operational right now, considering Mimsy is MIA. Probably in Al's digestive system. But who could truly know? Charlie was supposed to manage it in-between meetings but since she was  away nobody was tending it.

Angeldust was awake. He didn't want to be. He burrowed in to his blankets and covered his face with the pillow, shutting his eyes.

Fake it til you make it right?

He eventually did go back to sleep.

Vaggy ran the morning meeting beautifully.  She disbanded everyone. Cherribomb stayed downstairs in case Angeldust did come down.

Vaggy went up to Husker's room and knocked on the door.

"Angel? Are you awake?"  She knocked again.

He did wake up. He opened the door, his eyes widened, he expected it to be Cherribomb coming to drag him downstairs.

"Shit I over slept!" Angeldust groaned.

"Hey it's okay, I told Cherri to leave you be. I just wanted to make sure you're okay." Vaggy stated.

Angedust took a minute, blinking a few times. Suddenly he hugged her.

"Thank you."

"It's literally my job." She stated.

"Is Charlie mad?" He asked. She shook her head.

"She's the one who told me to leave you be if you don't show. She's not here right now." She explained.

"She's not?"

"She had a meeting with Heaven." She answered.

"Oh." Angeldust was silent but his face matched the thought.

The two went downstairs, Angeldust poured some alcohol into a glass and drank it.  He walked over to the lobby, and took a seat next to Cherribomb.

Cherribomb and Angeldust chatted amongst themselves.

Charlie eventually made it back to the hotel looking rather exhausted and also somewhat distraught.

"Well?" Vaggy asked.

"Uh, I have some news, I'm not sure if it's good or bad. Really it depends on Angeldust. I don't want to say it if he's not ready to hear it."

"What? Is it about Husk?" Angel asked. Charlie frowned but nodded.

"He's in Heaven, ain't he?"


"Right." Angeldust went back upstairs. To his own room, slamming the door.

He cleared everything off the desk violently.
He sat in the desk chair, and opened a drawer.

Nothing was there.

He banged his fist against the table as he hung  his head. "Damnit!" He yelled.

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