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It's been about a week Since Husker's death

Charlie and Vaggy were discussing the events that had happened. Vaggy still hadn't mentioned anything to Charlie about what she and Cherri did. Deep down Charlie knew just from how they looked when the pair came back. It was obviously not their blood they were wearing.

"Fuck he's still not come out of his room!" Charlie cried. She walked out of her bedroom and towards Husker's room.

She knocked on his door.

"Please go away." Angel sniffled.

"Angel." Charlie sighed. Reluctantly she walked back to her room.

Angeldust didn't want to shut everyone out, but he couldn't bare the thought of anyone seeing him like this. Especially when all he wants right now is to self distruct. He didn't have the motivation for anything.

Charlie got ready for the day. It's the first lesson since Husker's death. Everyone needed time to cope. A week wasn't long enough but Charlie needed normalcy and she thought it could help get Angeldust out of that room. It definitely didn't sound healthy to sleep in your dead boyfriends room for an entire week without leaving a single time.

It definitely wasn't. Especially in the state Angeldust was in. There was comfort in this bed. There was comfort knowing his drugs were in this room somewhere. Right now he was curled up in a ball his piglet next to him. Angel's room was just dark and lonely. But Husker's room was filled with his presence even if it wasn't truly there at all.

Alastor was the most and the least upset of everyone aside from Angeldust. Mostly because now Mimzy was tending the bar and he was quite pissy with her for what she brought to the hotel last time. But he simply couldn't be the host, the bartender, and run all his errands too. And Nifty, you wouldn't want her as your bartender. He was truly going to miss Husker if the certain someone was lying to him, but he knows if Husker, he'll find a way back.

Alastor was hoping Mimsy would only be temporary help. That he could find another soul to help him but he didn't know who yet, especially cause he worried replacing Husker would worsen Angeldust's already poor state of mind.

"I don't give two shits why I'm here. Get me the fuck back down there!" Husker yelled at the older seraphim.

"If you didn't want to be here why did you attempt redemption in the first place?" Sera was annoyed with the gay's vulgar language, as well as it's disrespect towards heaven.

"I didn't attempt shit. I was still abusing alcohol, I was doing an overlord 's bidding. Being off Alastor's leash is the only good thing about this. I have to get back fucking down there." Husker yelled at Sera.

"You simply must be here for a reason." Sera crossed her arms annoyed.

"Maybe cause I helped Angeldust stay clean? I don't know and I don't care. Hell is where I belong, I knew that's what I deserved and I was content in that knowledge. Hell is and always will be my home. You want redeemers? Well Charlie's got a hotel full of demons trying but, send me the fuck back. What I gotta do? I'll do whatever it takes." Husker groaned.

"Emily take him to his room I simply cannot deal with this any longer." Sera stated.

Emily did as she was told leading Husker to his slice of paradise.

"Look don't tell Sera this but." Emily whispered something in his ear.

"Really?" Husker stated.

"Mhm." Emily hummed.

"I do have one question." Emily stated.

"Shoot." Husker stated. Emily frowned. Great another one that don't understand social cues. Husk thought to himself. "It means, say your question."

"Ohhh." She said. "what's it like to be gay?" She asked innocently. Husker facepalmed very hard.

"Nope! I'm definitely way to sober for this. You got any booze?" Husker ask.

"This is heaven." Emily stated.

"Well my version of paradise is a room full of strong, cheap alcohol and a place to play cards."

"Noted." Emily snapped her fingers. A whole section of his room changed there was a large fridge with an endless supply of booze and a table with a deck of cards on it.

"As I was trying to say, this is heaven. We are supposed to, reward good behavior.." Emily explained seeing Husker's look of confusion.

Husker took one of the beers from the fridge watching as another manifested in its place. He opened it and chugged the whole bottle.


I legitimately love that picture ^ goth Angeldust is just my entire existence, and part of my soul died seeing that. Oh wait I'm a ginger I don't have one of those.

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