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Angeldust savored his drink sipping it occasionally at the bar as the meeting ended.  Husker teleported right behind the bar in front of Angeldust.

"Hey Legs."

"Hey Whiskers." Angeldust downed his drink and hopped up onto the bartop sitting on it with his legs crossed.

"You see Charlie?" Husk asked.

"She just went up to her room." Angeldust stated.

"I'll be right back." Husker left the bar and walked up the stairs heading towards Charlie and Vaggy's room.

He knocked on the door.

Charlie opened it, stepping aside so Husker could come in.

"We have an issue." He stated.

"If this has to do with Sera and my father I already know."

"Charlie," Husker sighed. "I agree with them. He needs to be stopped he wants to be able to decide who goes where whenever he wants and that's not how things work he of all people should not have that power?" Husker stated.

"How do you know any of that?" Charlie asked.

"He made a deal with Eve."

"He's not on a leash, an angel is on his!"

"What!" Vaggy and Charlie yelled.

"You see why this is such a huge problem?" Husker asked. The princess nodded.

"We have to stop him!" Vaggy annouced.

"Let me go tell my dad I changed my mind." Charlie stated. "We'll discuss a course of action when Sera gets back to him with their verdict."

With that Husker went back downstairs to company his boyfriend at the bar.

"What was that all about?" Angeldust asked.

"Heaven stuff." Husker stated. "Alastor has an Angel on his list of employees. Heaven thinks he's a threat to all realms heaven hell, and earth." Husk stated, pouring more of the mixed drink into his glass.

"Oh boy." Angeldust sipped the drink.

Husker downed a brand new bottle of booze.

"That's not healthy." Angeldust noted.

"Not like it can kill me." Husker stated.

Angeldust shrugged realizing the cat was correct.Cherribomb moseyed on over to the bar and took a seat.

"What's up my gays?" She asked.

Husker rolled his eyes playfully.

"Just day drinkin like usual." Angeldust stated.

"BORING!" Cherribomb yelled. "I'm thinking about taking a joy ride round the other rings, you down?"

"Oh hell no!" Angeldust stated. "I keep my ass in pride the demons outside of pride are horrifying."

"It can't be that bad." Husker took a swig from another bottle.

"Come on Angie, we're just driving it can't be so bad to just drive around."


"Take him to cannibal town." Husker said in-between swigs.

"Cannibaltown, is pretty nice." She agreed.

"Really?" Angeldust groaned.

"I should probably head back up to Heaven. You should go have fun with your friend." Husker stated.

"Fine." Angeldust was reluctant.

"Yes! Let's go!" Cherribomb grabbed Angeldust's wrist and ran towards the door..

"Woah hang on!" Angeldust pulled away. "I'm not going nowhere dressed like this!" He stated. He was still only in Husker's shirt and his underwear.

"Okay fair." Cherribomb agreed.

Angeldust went upstairs he kept Husker's shirt on and pulled up a hot pink mini skirt and put his boots back on. He went back downstairs. He gave Husker a quick kiss and followed Cherri to her car.

Husker went back up to heaven.

Alastor was in his broadcasting room.

"They're on to us." A distorted voice spoke.

"Impossible." Alastor stated dismissively.

"Alastor, I implore you to listen to me!" The women yelled.

"You listen to me!" Alastor rebutted. "There is no way they could have found out."

"They're plotting your demise!"


"Heaven, and they even went as far as getting your precious princess and her father involved."

"WHAT?!" Alastor laughed. "No,no,no. There's no way Charlie would betray me. And even if she did her daddy doesn't scare me."

"He should."

Alastor cut the conversation short teleporting the angel back to heaven.

Alastor's reluctantcy to listen to anybody but himself was going to be his downfall. A war was stirring and he wasn't even a bit prepared for the reinforcements Heaven and he'll have together. This could be his last hoorah,but he was too blinded by his power to realize, just how deep the water he is treading was.

Sera scheduled a Meeting for the following day between Emily, Charlie, Lucifer, and herself. Husker was requested to attend but he's not sure he's interested.

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