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Husker eventually went back to heaven. Emily immediately greeted him and expressed that he needed to see Sera first thing tomorrow morning.

"I don't know how long I can keep covering Husk, eventually she's going to ask questions." Emily sighed.

"I'll deal with that myself Emily. You forget I wanted to be back in hell anyway." Husk stated.

"You're not even a little worried about how this would go down for me? Shed never pass the thrown down to me I'd might as well fall to." Emily wiped her tears away.

"I didn't think about it like that at all... I just want to be with him." Husker apologized.

"I understand that, and I promise you, you will see Anthony again, but I think you should start seeing him less often." Emily tried to compromise.

Husker nodded dissatisfied with the conversation. Emily apologized before leaving Husker's room husker downed quite a few of the shitty beers from his fridge. Next time he's definitely smuggling some of Hell's booze up here cause he can't deal with this bullshit.

Husker was pissed he decided he'd text angeldust wondering if texts will go through between different realms. He assumed not because he never got an answer.

There was a knock at Husker's door. He groaned but he answered the door reluctantly.

"Hi Hussssssker, how are you adjusting?" Sir Pentious inquired.

"Just fine, I guess. I still wanna go home."

"Yeah? I feel much more at home here." Sir Pentious admitted.

"Yeah well you weren't exactly the worst sinner in hell, so that makes sense for you. I was an overlord, I was owned. I managed to get out just like that. It doesn't make sense." Husker stated, downing yet another bottle.

"I sssssuppose you're right. Well I'm glad to be rooming next door." Admitted the snake.

Down below

Angeldust and Cherribomb hung out him Angel's room with the precious piglet known as Fat Nuggets. They chatted about anything and everything. Cherri's intrusive thoughts eventually one however.

"Was the requainted sex good?" She joked.

"We didn't." Angeldust stated.

Cherribomb was surprised, to say the least.

"Oh that's right you went home." Angeldust didn't mean to say that out loud.

"What happened?" She asked. Angeldust frowned.

"No Angie, you didn't." Cherri immediately hugged the spider. "Why you don't tell nobody these things?!" She nudged him playfully, trying to come off like she of all people understood and wouldn't judge.

"I gotta get better at that." He admitted with a sigh.

He and his friend just sat in his bed occasionally loving the sweet piglet as the binged some show.

While this was going on Charlie was arguing with Alastor again.

"Seriously I'm done with this little plan of yours. If I find out you even try to hurt Angel I'll kill you myself." Charlie stated.

"You can't kill me princess."

"Leave Angeldust be and I won't try." Charlie warned.

"You don't scary me." Alastor stated.

"I'll tell my dad."

"You wouldn't dare back out now!" Alastor's patience was being tested.

"For Fuck sake Alastor! You had Nifty kill Husk what are you gonna do to Angel? I don't want to know because I'm not letting you hurt another soul here." Charlie yelled full demon form on display.

Alastor transformed into his truly awful form Charlie cowered in a corner.

"I could fucking end all of you!" Alastor yelled the static in his voice made him sound even more menacing.

Charlie ran out of the room.

Back in Angeldust's room.

"I think next time Husk is here I'm gonna ask him to get rid of my drugs completely."

"Wow Angie, that's a big step." Cherribomb stated.

"Yeah well, clearly this outta sight shit ain't working." Angeldust answered.

"I could sell em?" Cherribomb suggested.

"You're trying to get clean too." Angeldust was reluctant.

"What would Husker do with the drugs? He could collect all the ones he hid and I'll sell them, and I'll give you the money since it was your shit." Cherribomb explained.

"I don't know. I just don't want them." Angeldust stated.

The two stopped talking and went back to watch their show.

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