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If I had to see that^ so do all of you!

"You want to kill another soul after how I reacted to you allowing Adam to kill several billion?!" Emily yelled.

"Please hear me out. This Alastor guy is gumming up Charlie's project! He's the reason Husker got here. Now please keep your voice down we don't need all of Heaven hearing about this. If they know I'm afraid they'll all be afraid." Sera whispered.

"What did Lucifer say?" Emily asked.

"He agrees something needs to be done. Especially if this guy is threatening his daughter." Sera stated.

"Did you ever talk to Charlie?"

"I wanted to discuss it with you first." Sera stated.

Emily rolled her eyes. "You didn't want to talk to me about the extermination so why do you want my opinions now?"

"Because you're my sister. And if you're gonna take over we're going to need to trust each other!" Sera stated.

"I will consider it but I want Charlie's opinion considered as well."


Angeldust and Cherribomb attended the second meeting. Husker chilled in Angel's room with Fat Nuggets because he could. Cherribomb said her farewells after the meeting ended. Angeldust went back up to his room. He opened his door to see Husk laying in his bed, Fat Nuggets curled up on his chest fast asleep. Angeldust was pretend hurt.

"I can't believe it! He traded my chest floof for yours!" He whined.

"I can see that your mad. In Nuggies defense, I am not as tiny as you."

"No but you're shorter."

"I don't think he cares about that. He cares that he's got enough space." Husker stated.

Angeldust sat on the bed, pouting.

"What is it now?" Husker groaned.

"He's in my spot." Angeldust whined.

Husker moved his arm creating space for Angeldust to lay next to him. Angeldust complied and Husker wrapped his arms around the pencil thin demon.

"Do you have to leave soon?" Angeldust asked with a sigh.

"No. Sera already knows I've been teleporting. There's nothing she can really do to stop me. I just can't let any other find out I can."

"So, sleep over?" Angeldust asked.

"Sure Legs." Husker agreed.

Angeldust curled up and rested two of his arms on Husker, one of which was petting Fat Nuggets. The other wrapped around the cat's waist. They just laid like that for a while.

"I miss this." Husker sighed.

"What's to miss when it's happening?"

"You know what I mean." The cat groaned.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They chatted about random things as they laid on the bed cuddling the rest of the time.

Lucifer and Charlie discussed Heaven's involvement in her little situation in hell.

"We can't kill him!" Charlie was appalled her father even insinuated the thought.

"Charlie! He could destroy this whole operation! He could kill your friends he could hurt you, and you know I'd just kill him anyway."

"Dad that's against the entire point of this hotel."

"Charlie not every soul is going to be redeemed. Let's take Valentino for example you think he'd change?" Vaggy butted in

"No." Charlie said coldly.

"They why would a murderous cannibalistic overlord change? He's taking advantage of how kind you are." Lucifer sighed.

"Honey, I'm not letting you get hurt. When Heaven calls me with there decision we're doing whatever is decided."

"Dad No!" Charlie was extremely upset by his irrational way of thinking.

Lucifer called Sera and explained to her Charlie was not on board with the plan. They playing field was tied now. There's no way Emily would let them unless they had a tie breaker. Who better to as than a soul who used to serve him. Sera knew Husker was probably visiting his friend so she decided wait til the morning to discuss the situation with him.

Charlie stormed off to her room completely pissed off with her father. Vaggy tried to rationalize the situation. She wasn't trying to change Charlie's mind, she just wanted her to understand her father's view point.

In the morning. Husker kissed Angeldust on the forehead went downstairs and made his drink. He figured he'd be right back anyway but he did teleport back to his room in Heaven.

He was there all of five minutes before Sera knocked on the door. Husk opened it and let her in.

"You know heaven is starting t believe he's a threat to all souls. Would you agree?" She asked.

"I believe you aren't telling me all the information you have." Husker stated.

Sera looked around. She shut Husker's door and pressed her palm to it. She warded Husker's room she had a feeling someone was watching.

"I believe he's bartered with an Angel." Sera stated. Husker was shocked, how could Sera know anything about that?

"He's made a deal with someone here, that I know of." Husk stated.

"I believe it was the same soul who spied on Lucifer and I." Sera stated.

"Eve." Husker as Sera said in unison.

"We need to stop him."

"Charlie and Emily would never let you."

"Emily agreed as long as we heard Charlie out. She's against his death but Emily also trusts you a lot for some reason so maybe she'd consider your opinions as well."

"Hey, I'm not going against Charlie here. Do I think the man is a threat to her and everything she's created yes, does he need to be stopped absolutely but there has to be a way without violence." Husk stated.

"There's unfortunately not."

Sera lifted the warding and left Husker's room abruptly. Husker drank one of the bottles he's smuggled. He went back down to hell just after the second meeting concluded.

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