Affair- part 8

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Ankit's pov

" she can't do this to me...she can't move on this early" he said punching the wall. 

he rested his forehead against the wall while tears were flowing from his eyes "i know she still loves me, i have seen love in her eyes for me."

i have to talk to her...i will die without her ... i can't let her go. still i was thinking about myself that i can't live without her , but what about her happiness? doesn't she deserve to be happy?

i have given  tears in those eyes who used to carry so much love and trust for me. she considered me her whole world and what i did with her, i broke her little world into little pieces in front of her eyes even when she was carrying my child.

Aditya is her childhood friend and he is accepting her with my baby , she must be happy with him. but can i see her with someone else? and the answer is "no". today i feel the same what she has been going through since she got to know about my betrayal. i can't even imagine her with someone else except me even in my bad dreams, but Priyanka she had to live with this reality every day because of me. 

she always wanted me to give her time and love but i was so selfish that i couldn't give her what belonged only to her. she just wanted to stay in my arms and i always tried to make a lavish house for her. Priyanka was right, whatever i did, did for myself. neither i could be a good husband nor father.

i deserve this pain for breaking her trust . i am that unlucky father who  won't be able to listen "dad" from my baby's mouth. 

In a few days my baby is coming into this world but i am away from my child.  but i can't be selfish this time i will go from her life and never come back into her life again.

At Priyanka's home

Priyanka was sleeping when she felt pain in her tummy and she woke up with a sudden jerk,  because the amount of pain kept increasing every moment.

She started shouting when she felt wet between her thighs. She was screaming in pain when her mom came to her.

Priyanka: oouc..oouchh mom look at what is happening to me she said while pointed towards  her legs.

Priyanka's mother sees her condition and concludes that her water has broken. "Beta you need to be strong as you are ready to give birth to your little one," she said while patting her forehead.

Soon Aditya came there and took her into his arms, making her sit in the car and they went to hospital.

Priyanka was screaming continuously due to unbearable pain. "Mom please call Ankit I need him beside me," she said to her mother.

Soon the doctor and nurse came there and took Priyanka into the delivery room.

Her mother is about to call Ankit when her father snatches the phone from her. " I don't want to see him near my daughter, Priyanka is innocent but I will do anything to protect my daughter from that cheater, might be Priyanka forgets what he did with her but I can't " he said in anger.

"You are not doing right with our Priyanka don't forget he is still the husband of our Priyanka and the father of her child," she said to him before going from there.

"Priyanka takes long breaths and pushes your baby out of your vagina," the doctor said to her. She was exhausted, her vision was getting blurry and she wanted her Ankit besides her but he was not there.

Garima was also present at the hospital and was witnessing everything. She got some courage and made a call to Ankit.

Garima: hello Ankit , I am garima.

Ankit: hello garima how are you and how is Priyanka?

Garima: Ankit Priyanka is in the labour room please come here soon and she cuts the call after telling him the address of the hospital.

It was raining heavily outside and he was struggling to get any conveyance to reach Priyanka. he wanted to hold her and stay with her during this painful yet beautiful time. He was running on the road unbothered about buses and cars when he met with accident.

But he didn't care about his wounds his priority was only his wife and baby. He got up and again started walking on the road.

Priyanka was also struggling to push her baby as she had lost all of her energy until she saw that baby pink frock in front of her in the sofa.
It gives her hope and she again starts to push her baby with more strength.

After a while everyone gets happy when they hear the sound of the baby crying. Priyanka gives birth to a baby girl but she gets unconscious due to pain and bleeding.

Finally Ankit comes to the hospital but his happiness doesn't last for long when he sees his princess in Aditya's arms. He was completely broken and shattered.

He comes closer to her daughter and his eyes are filled with tears when he sees his doll for the very first time.

"Can I hold her," he asked Aditya.

Aditya nodes and about to give him a little doll when Priyanka's father holds ankit's hand and drags him outside the hospital.

" I told you to stay away from my daughter" he said fuming in anger.

But unc...uncle I came here for my wife and bab.. before he completed his lines Priyanka's father slapped him hard.

Look at your bloody condition Ankit you're a waiter. If I send Priyanka with you then how can fulfill her wishes? you don't even have a house to live in , where my daughter will live ,on the road ? She is happy with Aditya but I think you don't want her to be happy in her life? If you ever loved her then let her free and get lost from here.

Ankit nodes and ask him to once hold his daughter and Priyanka's father allows him for this.

Ankit goes to Aditya and takes his daughter into his arms " she is so tiny and beautiful," he said and kissed her forehead. He sees Priyanka from a distance and goes from there.

This is a small update for you guys. Grammatical errors could be there as it is not edited.

This is the very first time I am writing anything , I know it won't be too good but please do some adjustments with me.😅

Last update on Sunday
Take care 😘
#PriyAnkitforever 💞

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