Ishq 17

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wedding preparations have already started at ankit's home while Priyanka's father's health has been degrading day by day and he got admitted in the hospital.

Ms. Priyanka, I am sorry but he doesn't have much time. he is in his last stage of cancer. Please take him home and try to give him all happiness.

"Doctor p..please don't say this , There must be some way to save him. I have nobody except him .Please doctor do something."

"I am sorry beta, I can understand  your situation but we can't do anything .you have to be strong now."

She couldn't understand anything At first she lost Ankit and now she was going to lose her father.

Suddenly her vision gets blurred and she faints in the hospital.

"Doctor how is my father ? " She asked after getting conscious.

He is fine Priyanka In fact I have good news for you. Your father will be very happy after getting this news.

Good news ? What you want to say doctor ?

Congratulations Priyanka! You're a month pregnant.

A sudden smile comes on her face and she touches her belly. I'm pregnant it means I am going to be the mother of ankit's baby. 

tears come in her eyes. Ankit ,Our baby!

Priyanka takes her father home which she has beautifully decorated with while lily and orchids.

He feels very lively after seeing all efforts made by her daughter.

Papa! please take a shower I will serve dinner by then. He comes after taking a shower and gets excited like a baby  seeing his favourite chocolate cake and rajma rice in front of him.

Priyanka holds her father's hand and cuts the cake. He gives the first piece of cake to his daughter then they dance together on his favourite old songs.

Priyanka wants to stop this moment and forever wants to stay with her father like this but internally she is breaking day by day. She was staring at her father with teary eyes.

Beta! What happened why do you stop dancing ? And why are you crying.

She wipes her tears. Nothing papa! I am missing mom today.

Priyanka I miss her too but don't worry I am here with you forever. He hugs her little daughter who is also carrying a little baby inside.

She was in her father's embrace when somebody knocked on her door.

"Beta wait, I will open the door when you stay here"

Her father opens the door , there is Rahul standing with his family. They greeted each other and Rahul's family came inside.

Priyanka was shocked to see Rahul and family there. Rahul, you are here at this time ?

"Beta I invite them for dinner and today i want to fix your marriage with rahul"

But papa! I have already told you that I am not ready for marriage.

Beta, I know I have little time left. Before leaving this world I want to assure myself that you're in safe hands.

Priyanka got shocked listening to him because she didn't tell him about his condition.

Beta you want to see my happiness right ?

" Yes papa! She says sobbing"

Then marry Rahul , Priyanka, this is my last wish. You're my everything beta if you will be happy then I can go from this world with peace.

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