Me and the Player- Chapter 1

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I sat nervously in the back seat of my mums car as she drove me to my new school, it was half way through the year which didnt really help, i would be in year 10, and really was not looking forward to the stares i knew i would get.

I tugged at the end of my hoodie sleeves pulling over my hands and began bitting the sleeve as i grew more panicked.

''Amelia, stop panicking im sure they'll be lovley..'' my mum sent me a loving look over her shoulder as she said this.

''yeah,right'' i mumbled against my sleeve.

I noticed the car had now slowed down and i cautiously looked out the window and gasped at how big this school really was.

It was an old builiding, red bricks, And tall church like windows, The children were all dressed casually back packs slung over there shoulders.

I was now glad i didnt go with the outfit my mum picked me, i was wearing black jeans, a grey hoodie and a pair of converse.

My mum stopped the car engine and glanced at me from the front seat, i picked my Backpack off of the seat next to me and slung it over my shoulder groaning at how heavy it was.

''You have good day ok? text me if you need anything...See you later sweety'' She quickly leaned forward and pecked my cheek.

I forced a smile as i jumped out of the car.

I gripped the sleeve of my hoodie and walked towards the school, my head down not looking were i was going.

I noticed a big sign that read ''OFFICE'' i breathed in a big puff of air and forced it out and trudged towards the office.

As i enterd the lady behind the desk smiled warmly at me, and waved her and as a kind of 'come here' gesture.

I walked over nervously and stopped in front of the table looking down, once again.

''Hey sweety, you must be Amelia Swan?'' she asked and i could hear the smile in her voice,somehow..right dont call me weird.

I nodded glumly and looked up slightly as i heard a door opening, My eyes met with a pair of muddy brown eyes, they were beautifull....I lowerd my eyes to get a look at this persons face...It was a boy,obviously, He was very and when i say very i mean..OMG HE'S SO FREAKING HOT!

Anyway....He had a small button like nose, i lowerd me gaze to his lips, they were a light pink, they looked

I blushed as i realised what i was thinking and then realized he had seen me totally checking him out, he cleared his throat and i brought my eyes back up to his to be meeted with a cocky smirk,He looked like a player, they boy every girl in school wanted, the boy that got everything he wanted, i was smart enough not to hang around with people like him.

''Babe,See somthing you like?'' he sounded like an angel, but yet again that cocky smirk was on his face.

I snorted loudly, and laughed at his comment and returnded my gaze to the lady at the desk, i noticed him grunt and walk towards the doors that lead into the school, as he walked passed his arm brushed against mine and it was as if electric currents had been sent all the way through my arm.

I tore my gaze away from his retreating figure and back to the lady who was now holding two pieces of paper, My time table, and a map with my locker number on there, i smiled at her warmly before picking them up and leaving the room heading towards were my locker was.

I finally found my locker but was shocked when i noticed a well built figure leanging against it,i was stood behind the person so i could only see the back of them, they're her was messy, styled like that, but it was very attractive.

His hair was a dirty blonde colour with a hint of brown, as i cleared my throat the figure turned around and i swalled hard as i realised who it was, it was Him, again.

''errrm, this is my locker..?'' i asked like a question, although i knew it was my locker,He smiled down at me and his brown eyes sparkled as the light reflected of them, he leant down towards my ear and for a moment i thought he was going to kiss me, obviously not.

He was absolutley stunning,and me? well i was your average 15 year old girl, i had Dark brown hair, it was long but not too long, i had Light blue, greeny eyes and light pink lips, i had always been told i was pretty but i didnt believe when people told me.

As he leaned closer i realised he was leaning towards my ear and i shivered slightly as his warm breath hit my neck.

''Yes,i can see that babe,,,Maybe a kiss? and ill move...'' he whispered huskily into my ear.

I pushed him as hard as i could but it was clear he worked out alot and my little push did not damage he oulled his head back and stared into my eyes, i noticed somthing flash across but before i had time to realise what it was his lips pulled up at the side into a dazzling smile.

I gulped loudly and quickly walked away, i didnt care about my locker right now, as i walked away i hear a few of his friends wolf whistly and i heard his deep laughter.

I was not going to get myself in involved with a player.

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