Me and the player - Chapter 27

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Sorry i havent updated in so long..

Ive had a lot off stuff going on in my life right now. 30 likes and ill write the next chapter.

Chapter27 -

Depression was not a strong enough word to describe how i feel. It had been almost 2 months since i had lost the meaning to my existance. Its likes a huge hole is gaping in my chest, and the only person that can fill it is Jace.


My heart clenched, my body hunched over in pain; my eyes welled with tears. My breathing became difficult and i brought my legs up to my chest; hugging them to myself tightly.

''Come back ,please.'' I whispered to myself, rocking backwards and forward gently.

Slowly, the tears came to a halt and my breathing became more even. By now, it was dark, i had missed dinner. It didnt bother me. I had lost my appetite since Jace had gone. I hadnt been eating properly.

I didnt care.

I lay on my side and stared at the empty wall in frony of me. I wish you was here, Jace. I would do anything in the world to have you back. Anything.

I angrily punched my bed and then swallowed hard. ''Oh no! im sorry. im sorry bed. forgive me.'' I lay my head against the mattress and murmered against it, letting a stray tear roll down my cheek onto the sheets.

Smurfs had left my mind completely since i lost Jace. They didnt entertain me anymore. I wanted my smurfs back too. Come back, smurfs.

Just then, something banged against the window. A stone.

I scurried out of bed and towards the ward, i slid it open quickly and stuck my head out.


I was met with silence and darkness. Jace was not there. No one was there. I sighed quietly too myself and rest my elbows against the window ledge and cupped my face in my hands. I glanced out into the darkness, squinting my eyes. Nothing.

I let out a deep breath and smiled too myself, Remembering when how i had first met Jace. The circumstances. Never did i think i would be crazy in love with him. I hated his guts. So, so bad. I was content. Just me and my smurfs, maybe some martians..


Martians and smurfs do not get on well, you see, if you mix them together, phewww. You are asking for trouble. Martians think smurfs copy them, but its really the martians that copy the smurfs, its way to much detail to get into.

I lost track. Ugh, i am so easily distracted..

I frowned, Jace. I hated him. He hated me. Who wouldve thought we'd be like this?

I want to marry him. I want to have cute little babies. I mean, id like to adopt smurfs and dye their hair pink if they were girls but i mean, babies would have to do. Unless Jace really is a smurf..and he he gets me pregnant! And then! we'd have smurfans! a human smurf. Thats crazy.

Sighing again, i shut the window and walked back to my bed, i dropped on it and buried my face in the duvet. Fuck my life.

Why did everything have to go so good just to go crashing down.

I cant put into words how distraught i am. How empty i am.

When you love someone, the way i loved Jace, you'd give up anything to make them smile. Absolutely anything. I would happily watch him marry someone else, if she made him happy. I would grow old watching him being happy. That would be enough for me, And if we had happened to grow old together, i would take care off him. If he died before me, well. I wouldve sat at his grave everyday and spoke to him, waited until it was my time to go, too.

I love you, Jace.

I need you.

My throat burned with a sob which began climbing up my throat, i shook my head and swollowed. No more crying.

I clutched onto my pillow tightly and pulled it to my chest, i squeezed my eyes shut and imagined his face. That was i need, and i would be happy. Seeing his beautiful face, his stunning eyes, his lips, made me happy.

When will everything be ok again?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2012 ⏰

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