Me and the Player- Chapter 13

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Jaces POV.

I smiled as i felt the sun against my skin, i couldnt really say it felt warm, because my skin was probaly just as hot as the sun, maybe warmer.

I opened my eyes and glanced down at the beautifull girl who lay on my chest, snoring slightly.

I grinned and kissed her forehead, he eyes flickered open then, and she groaned and covered her eyes with her arm.

I chuckled.

''Goodmorning..'' i mumbled against her hair.

''Morning smurf.''

I laughed, she had the be the weirdest person id ever met, but man did i love her.

I frozer.

I mean, like her. I didnt love her, i couldnt. Amelia must have felt my body froze because she glanced up at me.

''What wrong?'' she asked worried.

I shook my head and smiled reasurringly down at her, ''Nothing, im fine.''

She smiled back and burried her face in my neck.

Its funny how one day ago we practically hated eachother, well she hated me, and now, wre in bed cuddling, and im debating in my head, weather or not i love her.

No, you dont love her.

You just like her.

No you dont, you love her.






''Jace?" i head Amelia mumble against my neck.


''I forgot..''

I chuckled and placed my hand in hers, i felt her lips tug up into a smile against my neck and she enterwined our fingers, i would say i was begining to get used to the sparks i felt everytime we touched.

But that would be a complete lie.

I could never get used to it.

I brought our interwined hands up to my mouth and i kissed her hand.

She laughed against my neck and then she pulled away glancing at me.

I ran my fingers up her back and she chuckled again, ''Are you tickilish?'' i asked.

She frowned, ''Obviosly im not oging to answer that!"

I smiled and carried on running my fingers up her back, she'd shiver every now and then.

She looked at me her eyebrows pulled together.

''What wrong?'' i asked running my finger over the crease between her brows.

''Wheres Chloe?''

I smiled.

''I asked her to give us some alone time, so she went to our Aunts, she only lives down the road.''


I nodded and placed my hands on either side of her face, i could hear her heart pounding in her chest and i smiled at her.

She smiled back and then i brought our lips together.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and i kept mine against her face.

Our lips moved in unison and she ran her tongue lighlty against my bottom lip, i smiled and pulled away.

''Lets take things slowly?''

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