Me and the Player - Chapter 4

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I AM SORRY! i havent updated in so long! i promise ill update more often! so, comment and like :)

Other than some strange moments with Jace, the day passes pretty quicky. I was now sat in the passenger seat of my Mums car on the way home whilst she (Rather embaressingly) sang to some old songs.

''So, how was the school? where the kids nice? did you make any friends?! a boyfriend?!''   Questions flew from my Mums mouth i barley heard one...she was taking so fast, like a six year old at halloween.

''Wow, Mum. One question at a time...Please'' i turned my head to my right to see she was bouncing up and down in excitment, her feet were bouncing of the floor, she was was shaking her arms, and he heard was turned to face me, a big goofy smile plasterd on it. Yep you guessed right, my Mum, is a complte loonatic.

''Right...sorry Love. one question at a time..ok...Did you have a good day?'' I groaned at the question remembering all my events with Jace....eurgh! i dont even want to think his name, Stupid jerk...stupid hot Jerk..very very ho- SHUT UP! STUPID HEAD!

I smiled sweetly at my Mum trying my hardest to hide my discomfort.                                     

''Great..i mean i had a great day..all the kids are..errm, Nice'' i swalled loudly and looked down at my hands and began fidgeting with my fingers...

''Amelia? ok, nice try. now tell me the truth''  i stared at her, my mouth was open...Wide.

How did she? i mean...i smiled! i didnt make it that obvious that i had a bad day? right? RIGHT?

I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and began bitting nervously. Come on Amelia! think! what do i say? WHAT DO I SAY!!!

''Mum, seriously, i had a great day! i made a friend....her names Chloe''

This time i smiled it was real, my Mum glanced at me from under her lashes and smiled back warmly, she knew me to well...


Later that night, it was about 8:17pm, we had ate dinner, nothing was on Tv so i came to my room.

I turned my laptop on and waited for it to actually load...bear in not very patient...

3 minutes later....




Eventually it turned on and i signed into facebook straight away, 2 friend requests.... Chloe Jane Smith and...Jace Smith....I glared at his name then realised i was glaring at a computer screen.

I accepted Chloe's and then had to decide weather i should accept Jaces or hands we're getting all sweaty..i wasnt good at decisions.

I eventually clickekd Accepted and then regret it straight away when his name popped up at the bottom of the screen indicating he was trying to talk to me..

I clicked on it...stupidly and read his message.

(Jace-italic. Amelia-bold)

Hey babe ;)

Hey jerk.

Take that back! i have feelings !

Feelings? ha, right. of course you do.

Hey, come meet up with me miss.Swan ;) about, NO :)

Come on...please., just come to the park or something.

I got really nervous and panicky...why was he asking me to meet up with him?

Errm, what park?

Forches park, 10 minutes be there.

Ill try....

I quickly shut down my laptop, pulled my shoes on and grabbed my jacket.

''Mum! im going out...ill back by 11 the latest...bye..Love you!''

I then opened the door and left..i panicked the whole way there, i mean..what if he brought friends? a weapon! *Shocked face*

He might try and rape me...its Ninja friends will come help me...i hope.

After about a 10 minute walk i approached the park and it was...EmptY.

The swings were swaying in the night breeze and the round about spinning slighty..a gush of cold air brushed passed me and goosebumps prickled up my arms. He didnt even turn up? i should've expected it, so why does it hurt? why am i hurt that he didnt turn up? I sat down on a rusty bench and stared up at the night sky, stars aprkled brightly...


My heart stopped brieflt and butterlfys gatherd in my stomach fluttering un-controlably...That voice..that angelic voice...

''Im late i was ermm..i was nerv-''

He stopped begore he said the word..he then stared at me.

''I mean, yeah, i was with some chick''

Tears burned my eyes...for a moment..i thought myabe he had a nice side..but i was wrong. So wrong.

Look at me, ive known him a day, and already im almost crying over him.

I stood up and walked infront of his face.

''You know what Jace? leave me alone. Dont talk to me. i dont like Players, or jerks, which you just so happened to be''

I brought my hand to his cheek and slapped, Hard. He groaned and i left before he had chance to say anything.


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