Me and the Player - Chapter 11

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Amelias POV.

Chloe and i sat at the table eating P&J sandwhiches....Yum yum.

I wonder what jellys made from...Jelly fish? nah...spongebob...spongebobs jellyfish friends...I LOVE SPONGEBOB!

''SPONGEBOB!''i shouted out, Chloe stared at me and burst out laughing, she does that alot...What a weirdo.

I ate the remainders of my sandwhich and rubbed my stomach, nom, NOM.

And then the kitchen door opened and in walked Jace, who was covered in mud, and half his clothes ripped to shread, only just about covering his body.

I giggle, what a silly sausage.

He growled at me and i furrowed my eyesbrows, who Growls? seriously, he's like an animal.

Chloe rose from the table and walked over to him, she mothed something that i couldnt quite see, and then she turned to me, ''Wait here.'' she mumbled.

I nodded and watch them walk out of the kitchen, Great. Now im left on my own.

I rose from the table and dropped my palte into the sink, hmmmm, what to do, what too dooo.


That is a cool word..

Do do do do do do do do do do do.




My eyes flickered to the open cuboard above the sink, hmm, lets explore.

I skipped towards it humming 'Who says' By Selena Gomez, hehe, i like that song.

As i reached the cuboard i realised it was full of books, why was there books in the kitchen? what a weird family, like

I went onto my tippytoes and grabbed the book closest, gosh it was big, and heavy, what a heavy book.

I pulled it down and then walked back to the table with the book, i dropped it on the table with a big slam. Sheesh Mr.Book you need to loose some weiiiiggggghhhhtt.

I bloew the dust off it and coughed as it all went into my mouth, oops, i accidently breathed in..instead of out...

I looked at the white writting that covered the front of the book, 'Werewolfs'

Hmmm, why do they have a book about werewolfs? Deffinatley suspicious, but werewolfs are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! apart from whe nthey try eating you, thats not cool, or when they rip of your head...deffinetley not cool.

Not cool at all!

I heaved the book open and turned to the first page.

'Mates and Imprinting.'

I gasped, this was like Twilight! JACOB! EWWWWWWWWWW! nooooooooooooooooo! if Jacobs in this book ill kill myself, with jelly, ill choke on some jelly,  yum...

I read the first paragraph:

Every werewolf has a mate, weather it is of the same species is a completley different story.

A werewolf will find a strong bond to who he or she is meant to be with, this bond can be a human, but is very un-likley to be any other species besides Werewolfs or humans.

It is common for a werewolf to imrpint on a human, and you'll now if they have, you constantly be drawn to each other, and when your apart you'll miss each other terribly, It'll almost be un-bearable to be apart, and when you touch eachother, the feeling will be un-describable, sparks, fireworks, whatever you call it, but you'll know for sure if someone is your mate or not.

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