Me and the Player - Chapter 24

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''Calm down Hon, Look on the shoe Rack.''

''But mu-''

''Just look!'' She interupted me, I sighed and walked out off the kitched to the shoe rack, i let my eyes scan and then stopped on a pair off red high heels, thye werent familiar, Besides them lay a red note.

'Didnt think id forget the shoes did you?-Jace'

My heart calmed down a little, thank god..Im pretty sure Chloe had helped him pick the outfit, no boy could pick such a perfect outift...

But yet again, Jace was different.

Me and the player - Chapter 24

Amelias POV.

I sat on the couch nervously, my leg boucning up and down with excitment and nervousness, My Mother walked in from the kitchen and sat besides me placing a hand ontop off mine, ''Calm down Hon.'' She said smiling at me reasurringly.

I forced a smile back, ''Im fine, Just a little nervous i guess.''

Her mouth opened ready to say something else but the doorbell rang, interupting whatever she was about to say, I instantly froze, nervs taking over completely.

''Ill get the door then..'' My mother mumbled rising from the sofa, chuckling slightly as she headed to the front door.

''Amelias in the living room..'' I heard my mother saying before i heard Jaces deep voice reply with a quick thank you.

I stood from the sofa, waiting for him to walk in, i couldnt hold back the gasp as he came into view.

He wore a black suit, with a skinny black tie, id never seen him in a suit before, and he looked incredibly handsome...Very, very nice.

''Hey beautifull.'' he spoke whilst walking towards me, his arms outstretched as he welcomed me into an embrace, I relaxed instantly at his touch, resting my head against his chest, I heard my Mothers loud footsteps as she ran up the stairs, obviously not wanting to be in the way, I chuckled slightly and Jace kissed my forhead.

''You read to go?'' He said quietley, pulling away to glance at me.

I nodded a yes, not fully trusting my voice, He took my hand in his, interwining our fingers as he led us towards the front door, ''MUM! WE'RE GOING NOW!'' I screamed up the stairs, i knew she was probaly listening anyway.

She ran to the top off the stairs, and stood there smiling a goofy grin on her face, ''You have fun Hun, And you, look after her.'' She said pointing at Jace.

He chuckled before pulling on a serious face and nodded, ''I will.''

And then he opened the door, letting me walk out first, i mumbled a thank you as i walkd out my head down, He was soon by my side taking my hand in his again, The warmth as his hand enveloped mine was absolutley amazing, I loved it, it was something id never get used to, Never.

Its kinda like getting used to a red smurf, i mean, if that happened, you just wouldnt be able to get used to it, Its like, impossible.

It just doesnt happen.

''I think you should look up Amy..'' Jaces voice said softly, interupting me from my little Smurf daydream.

I liften my head slowly and gasped at the sight infront off me.

Parked on the side off the road, outside off my house was a carriadge, I mean literally, like a movie carriadge, you know the whole horse and carriadge, there was a man dressed in a suit, top hat included sat at the front smiling at us, clearly finding my shocked expression amusing.

''Jace...this is amazing..''

He walked me to the carriadge before lifting me up and placing me inside, I gasped, it really was beautifull, slowly, my life was turning into a fairytale.

Amelia and the Werewolf..

Jace climbed in besides me and nodded at the guy at the front, he nodded back and soon the horses were galloping down the road, People on the pavement looked at us in awe, Elderly peeople would smile warmly, and the children with there parents would point, a huge grin on there face.

I couldnt tell you how special i felt right now.

I seriously felt like a princess.

''Do you like it?'' Jace whispered into my ear, kissing it slightly, I nodded my head yes and turned my head so our lips touched, I felt him smile beneath my lips and wrap his arms around my waist tightly,  I kissed back harder as our lips moved in unison, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly, tangling my fingers in his hair.

I was about to climb off his lap when i heard someone clear there throat, i pulled away blushing as i realised we had stopped.

I was so into the kiss i didnt even realise.

''Thank you.'' Jace said to the guy at the front, before taking my hand and helping me climb out off the carriadge.

I glanced up at the large building above me, It was stunning, nearly the whole off the front off it was made off glass, it was a hotel, a very nice one, a very Expensive one.

Jace tugged on my hand pulling me inside, it was rather quiet...and empty.

Shouldnt such a nice hotel be packed?

A rather good looking man walked upto us, he wore a red suit, and his hair was gelled up, he smilled at us warmly, ''Welcome, your must be Jace.'' He greeted shaking Jaces hand, he smiled at me and took my hand in his kissing it slightly.

I blushed, pulling my hand away, Jace didnt look happy.

''Yes, thats us.''

''Right this way then sir.''

We follwed the guy until he led us to the hotel resturant, which was also, completely empty, Had jace booked this place out? No way.

This boy was unbelievable.

The room was Dark red, the lights were on low so it was kind off dark and there was soft music playing in the background.

''We'll take your orders shortly.'' The man said whislt smiling before walking off.

''Jace, this is, Wow, i dont even know what to say..''

''Dont say anything then.''

He walked up to me, wrapping one arm around my waist, and holding my hand in his other, i wrapped one arm around his neck, ''Dance with me..'' He whispered softly.

We both swayed to the music, Staring straight into each others eyes, it was intense, and romantic, and the whole scene was just beautifull.

Yet again, like a fairytale.

''You look beautifull tonight, not that you dont always look Beautifull..'' Jace spoke whilst smiling, i blushed slightly and hid my face in his chest.

''You look pretty damn hot yourself.'' I replied laughing slightly.

''I promise you Amelia, This will be the most amazing night off your life.''

He kissed my forhead slightly, still swaying to the music, and right then i realised how devoted to this boy i really was.

He meant everything to me.

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