Me and the Player- Chapter 15

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Amelias POV.

I lay on the sofa cuddle up against Jaces side and stared intently at the movie showing on the tv screen.

I wasnt sure what movie it was as i was distracted by Jaces warm lips peppering kisses all over me every know and then, my hair, my neck, cheek.

I wouldnt protest id much rather him kiss me then watch this movie, it wasnt that great, i mean if it had smurfs then id be like, so into it, or RYNO'S not RHINO'S i changed it 'cause i have swag and i can change words and stuff...

Did you know smurfs are like really short? like up to my knee short! I know shocking..but they are just so adorable! i freaking want one..

I frowned, id never have a smurf, i pouted and Jace stared down at me confused, ''What wrong, Angel?'' he asked confussed, his voice was slightly muffled as his head was slightly burried in my hair.

''Im never gonna be able to have a Smurf!'' He chuckled.

''No, but you do have a werewolf..''

I smiled, i forgot about that, my Boyfriend was a werewolf, wait? is that what he is? my boyfriend? that would me so cool, like, hey, im Amelia and My boyfriend is a werewolf.

''Are you my boyfriend Jace?''

''Do you want me to be?''

I shrugged, ''Only if you wanna be...''

Damn i sounded like a little shool girl talking to her crush.

''Of course id like you to be my Girlfriend Ameila.''

''Its settled then.''

He laughed quitley before leaning down and placed his lips on my forehead he let them linger there for a while before pulling away.

He glanced out the window at the the heavy rain that hit against it.

I had to admit..i was scared. I hated it, you know? when its really windy and the windy make your windows make all howl, like a wolf.

Scary stuff..

The TV turnedd off and all the lights went to, i screamed and grabbed on to Jaces hand and jumped into his lap.

''SAVE ME FROM THE MONSTER!'' i screamed as i buried my face into his neck breathing heavily, a flash off lightening filled the room and i whimpered.

I felt Jaces body shake as he laughed at my response.

''Calm down Amy, its just a powercut..''

''No! its the monsters..there coming to get me!''

''No there not, ill protect you, i am a werewold after all, im the only real monster here..''

He mumbled the last part to himself and i glanced up at him, damn darkness i couldnt even see his face, i released my hand from his and pressed it against his stomach, he tensed under my touch, i dragged my face up to his chest and then to his neck, trying to find his face, i eventually reached his jaw and i leaned forward and kissed it lightly, he shivered unserneath my lips and i smiled in response.

I then placed my hand on his cheek and moved so my face was infront off his, our lips inches apart.

''Your not a monster Jace..''

''Yes i am, i should've never even involved you into my life..''

Ouch, that stung, what was he trying to say? He didnt want me in his life?

I climbed out off his lap and looked around, i couldnt bloody see anything.

''Amy what are you doing?''

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