Me and the Player - Chapter 18

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A/N WARNING! You may need a few tissues for this chapter, tis a very sad chapter , No sillieness in this chapter either..this is a serious chapter, Amy even agree'd no sillyness! :D


Amelias Pov.

I glanced up at the dark sky, I wasn't sure what time it was, but it had to be getting late, Jace and I had been sat in the forest for a few hours just discussing random things, and I was happy, probaly the happiest I'd ever been, I'd finally gotten the boy of my dreams, even if he was a werewolf.

I shivered slightly as the colde wind whipped against my face, Sheesh it was freezing..

''Do you want to go home?'' Jace spoke as she wrapped his arms around me tightly in an attempt to warm me up , I shook my head no.

''I wanna stay here a while longer..'' I buried my face in his neck and sighed, how did I ever get someone so perfect?

As the the wind whipped violently I felt jace stiffen and his arms, if possible, tightened around me even more, I glanced up at him and his usuall brown eyes were darker then usuall, anger glinted in them. He breathed slowly through his nose, and a low growl erupted from his chest. I was about to question his strange mood when a snap off a twig behind me caused me ti jump, my head whipped in that direction to see if I could find anything in the dark Ery forest.


But yet again Jace growled, rising from the ground and pulling me with him, he pushed my behind his back in a defensive possition and crouched before phasing into his wolf form.

What the he'll was going on?

I heard another snap off a twig, this time dirtectly infront off me, my eyes searched an I gasped as they met with a pair off glowing yellow eyes, A dark furred werewolf walked out from behind the bushes and froze in his spot, his eyes glancing at Jace as thy both growled at eachother.

I was scared, I wouldn't lie.

Jace took a step towards the Dark werewolf and soon they were circling eachother, waiting for one or the other to pounce, My eyes burned with tears, ''Jace..'' I whispered, my vice almost un-audible, his head whipped in my direction and hurt flashed in his eyes, and in the time her turned to look at me the other wolf to this as a chance to pounce, I screamed as Jace was thrown across the frorest, slamming against a tree.

He cried in pain and I covered my eyes, tears flowing down my cheeks, The other wolf walked towards me but was stopped as Jace ran towards him Pushing his Canines deep into the black wolfs neck, it screeched in pain, and jace growled loudly, Frightening me.

It seemed Jace was winning, But suddenly He was on the ground the other wf ontop off him Biting down onto Jaces chest, he cried out and I sobbed loudly.

The black wolf made a sound that almost convinced me it was a chuckle, it's yellow eyes stared at le intently before it ran off into the far forest.

I watched it's retreating figure and than ran to Jave who had phased to his human form, clutching his chest as it oozed with blood.

He was naked, but I couldn't let myself think off that, he was bleeding to death.

I crouched down beside his limo body and places my hand on his cheek, my eyes were blurred with rears, bur I could see the weak smile on his face.

''I love you, you know?'' He said, his voice was weak, and I sobbed loudly.

''Off course I know that, Now listen, your gonna be okay Jace, Promise me you'll be okay..''

I took his Hand in mine and he whimpered slightly, I stareddown at the seep wounds in his chest, it didn't look good, not good at all.

He chuckled lightly, and then groaned with pain, ''I love you, so much, Never doubt it.'' He whispered as he brought our joined hands to his mouth kissing it slightly.

His eyes closed slowly and I slammed my spared Han on the ground, ''Dont you dare give up on me Jace..''

He frowned and opened his mouth.

''Love you.''

His breathing slowed then and he said no more, I panicked and began sobbing un-controllably, no.

He was going to be fine. He had to be.

I placed my head on his chest, not caring about the blood that covered my hair, I could hear his heartbead under my ear, slowing down my the second.

"You promised me forever..'' I sobbed into his chest, he couldn't hear me, but I wouldn't give up, even if he did.

I pulled my phone out my pocket and dialled 999.

I hopes to god he'd make it through.

My life was nothing without him, if I lost him I honestly don't know what Id do, he had to be okay, he would be okay, I wouldn't doubt him.

My beautifull werewolf boyfriend..

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