Me and the Player - Chapter 6

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I walked through the dinner hall slowly looking for chloe when i bumped into something hard. I closed my eyes prepared for the impace of my head against the floor...gosh, i gotta start looking where im going, its gonna kill me one of these days..well probaly wont kill me but..HEY! IM NOT FALLING! MY HEAD HASNT HIT THE GROUND!

I felt warm arms around my waist. encircling me, who ever this guy was..he's now my new hero (Sorry Kitkat smurf fish king)...

My hairs stuck up at the back of my neck and butterflys flew freely in my stomach..why do we say butterflys? i mean..we dont actually have butterflys in our stomach right? if we did then we couldnt have operations because they'd fly every were! and distract the doctors! you can distract the doctors..because then, you might die..*GASP*

Wait..back to reality Amelia, hey..have you ever thought that realitys a dream? and that when we got to sleep its reality? i know...confusing..


Oh right, yeah..the person holding me, ok...

I slowly opened one eye and stared at the god infront of me, i swear i must have been drooling because he began chuckling, that beautifull laugh...from that beautifull mouth..oh i wonder how that mouth would feel against m-STOP!

Jace. it was Jace. The beautifull laugh, the mouth, obviously it was Jace. my enemy...DUN DUN DUN.

I placed my hands on his chest and gave a light push hoping he'd let go..which quite obviously didnt work.

I glared at him and his eyes stared straight into mine, i thought i seen hurt flash across his eyes, but i new i was wrong, he was a jerk. A stupid one at that.

I then remembered my plan..he's a player..i gotta break his gonna be the player.

I tip-toed and put my mouth by his ear and whispered seductivley

''Jace..your abbs..hmm they're just amazing...''

I bit my bottom lip and ran my hand up his Stomach and stopped just above his belt..

I stared up at him, his mouth was open; Eye's wide.

I smiled, proud of myself, i leaned up towards his face and smiled again.

''Im not another toy for you Jace. I dont work like that.''

I kissed his cheek before walking off towards Chloe who i seen sitting at a table alone, staring at me with the same expression as Jace. I turned around to see him staring at me still i pulled my lips up at one side and winked at him. He gulped and turned around walking off quickly.

I pulled a chair from under the table and sat down opposite her, i was smiling widley.

''What the heck was that Amy?!!?''

I laughed..and then..i couldnt stop, i seriously couldnt stop. I slammed my hands on the table my face went bright red; my breathing became heavier; my eyes watered. Too anybody else it would look like i was a retarded seal Crying, but thats just how i laugh. No noise came out my mouth just the bobbing of my head and massive smile showed i was Laughing.

Chloe stared at me like i was a comeplete utter freak.

Which then of course, made me laugh more. I began slapping my hands together and banging my head off the table trying to stop didnt work.

People began to stare and i couldnt controll myself. I quickly moved from under the table and ran out off the dinner hall to the bathrooms. Oh god..i was going to wee myself. COME ONE! RUN! YOU CAN MAKE IT!

My legs we're crossed trying to hold it in so basically, i looked like a spaz skipping to the toilets.

I quickly ran towards the door and grabbed the handle..It didnt open..


It was locked! what the heck!! its never locked! and when i have to pee...its locked! great! friggin Great! the other Bathroom was on the other side of school..

I could do it...i would make it! i have belief! I, AMEILA SWAN HAVE FAITH THAT I CAN MAKE IT TO TH-

oh god..i didnt make it.


After my little ermm *Cough* incident, i changed into my P.e Trousers, nobody notice so everything was okay. I was so embaressed..what kind of 15 year old pee's them self?

Stupid ones that laugh like seals and think they're ninjas..

Wait, i am ninja. SHHHHH. its a secret, but i trust you.

It was the end of the day and i was walking out towards the parking lot when i was pinned against a wall...

I looked up to be meeted by beautifull Brown eyes..Jace's eyes..

His arms we're above my head pinning me against the wa;;, his body was pressed against me, i mean..his enitre body was pressed aganist me.

I blushed bright red and bit my lip to stop myself from saying some stupid comment. He lowered his face to my neck and i felt his warm lips press against my soft spot, i gasped and closed my mouth quickly to stop the moan i new was coming...

I tried to push him away but failed..

I suddenly felt something warm; Wet..against my neck. His toungue...and then he bagan sucking, i could help the moan that escaped my mouth and my hands mouth to the back of his head and tangled in his hair pulling him closer, if that was possible.

He wrapped his hands around my thighs and tugged...what the hell is he doing? He tugged a again. Seriously what is he doing?

''Jump'' He mumbled against my neck..

What? jump? what is he on about? is he high"? i bet he's high. I didnt know Vampire werewolf smurfs could get high..well, you find something new everyday.

''Wrap your legs around my waist, dumbass.''

It then hit me, he was doing it, he was gonna seduce me then have sex with me then leave me. JERK! STUPID FRIGGIN SMURF FISH!

I pushed him hard and he stumbled back with a groan, i glared at him and then walked past him without a second glance.

I heard him call my name, he sounded upset..hurt? no. Jerks dont get hurt.

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