Me and the Player - Chapter 16

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Amelias POV.

I squinted my eyes as the room filled with brightness, Euuurgh, stupid sun..

I rolled over and buried my head into Jace's shoulder, i felt him stir slightly but he didnt wake, i glanced up and took in his expression..

His eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth was open as he breathed in slowly, his chest moving up and down.

He opened one eye slightly and groaned closing again, i chuckled under my breath and leaned up to stare at him, he didnt move.

''Wake up..'' I mumbled as i buried my face in the crook off his neck, he could feel his head as she shook it.

I climbed out of the bed and stared at him as he still lay motionless in the bed, seriously, if i hadnt known he was trying to get back to sleep, i would have thought he was in a coma, or dead even.

I laughed, he actually looked pretty funny, he opened his eyes and glared at me, ''Dont laugh im tired.''

I smiled and walked to the edge off the bed, ''Get up,''

''No, we dont have school...even if we did, im not going in.''

I was about to argue back but he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto the bed with him, i fell ontop off him and ended up straddling him, he smirked and i blushed burying my head in the crook off his neck, ''Jace..'' i mumbled against his neck, ''Stop making me blush.''

He chuckled and placed a finger under my chin pulling my face so he could stare into my eyes, i smiled and leaned forward to place my lips against his, he kissed back and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling my body closer to his, i smiled underneath his lips and placed my hands limply against his chest.

He pulled away and i lay my head on his chest gasping for breath, i cant believe Jace, The freaking player ,is MINE.

All mine, hehe, nobody can have him because he is my gorgeous boyfriend, my boyfriend that i love, something i wouldnt have admitted a few days ago, but now, i felt like i needed to tell him constantly, just to make sure he knew.

''I love you.'' I mumbled against his chest as i kissed it slightly.

''I love you.'' He replied kissing my forehead, ''Always will.''

I pushed myself off his chest then and he pouted, i chuckled and leaned down placing a quick peck on his lips before climbing off the bed, ''We need to get up sooner or later, its..'' I glanced at the clock, ''Its 11am!''

''I guess we're deffinatley not going to school roday then..''

I laughed under my breath, ''I need a shower.''

A cocky smirk was on his face, ''Want me to joinb you?''

I blushed and looked down, ''Shut up Jace.''

I walked into the bathroom then and turned on the shower, gosh i need a shower badly, i wanted to feel the warmth..


Jaces POV.

I sat at the end off the bed waiting for Amy, she had been atleast 20 mintues, and i was growing impatient, the shower wasnt running anymore so what the heck was she doing?

I couldnt wait any longer and i found myself stood outside the bathroom door, i knocked on it once, ''Yes?'' i heard amys panicked voice say through the door.

Panicked? why was she panicked? is she okay?

''Are you okay? im coming in...''

''NO! no dont come in...''

She was trying to hide something. what was it? i was genuinley worried ,was she okay? was something in there? was SOMEONE in there? I didnt care if she didnt want me in there, i was going in.

I opened the door and gasped as Amy stood infront off me awkwardly, with a towel wrapped loosley around her, just about covering her..well, her lady stuff.

The towel stopped mid-thigh and i had to tear my eyes away, so tahts why she was worried, she hadforgotten to bring clothes into the bathroom, i smirked, ''Nice figure.''

She smacked my arm playfully and looked down blushing, i had an idea then.

I pulled my shirt off and threw it on the floor, ''There, now were even.''

She still looked down, she had her arms wrapped around herself, trying to cover her body, i frowned, why was she hiding from me?

I took her hands in mine and kissed them both, ''Dont hide from me..'' I mumbled against her hand, i kissed up her arm, across her shoulder and to her neck, i stopped there and let my lips linger before trailing them up to her lips.

''I love you.'' I mumbeld before placing my lips on hers urgently, she kissed back with as much force and i pushed her against the bathroom wall, placing both my arms against the wall above her head. She let her tongue trail along my bottom lip, i was to tired to fight for dominance so i let her have controll.

I felt her lips smile as she pushed her tongue into mine, i moaned at the back off my throat as her tongues dance together, She pulled away gasping for breath and i leanedmy forehead against hers, breathing heavily.

Her towel had became a bit loose during our little make out, and i coud see the top off her breast, i closed my eyes taking a deep breath, i had to controll myself.

''Your towel.'' I mumbled my eyes still closed, i guess she pulled it up because i felt her hands moving around, when i opened my eyes again she was staring at me intently, she wrapped her arms around my neck and tangled her fingers into my hair, i smiled and leant down to place a kiss on her cheek.

''I've never done anything like this before..'' She said nervously.

''Like what?'' i replied, slightly confused, she blushed and closed her eyes.

''Im a virgin, i mean like, you stole my first kiss, everything, ive never done anything..''

I smiled, a reall smile, and placed my hand on her cheek, my thumb rubbing soothing circles, ''Good.''

She opened her eyes, her mouth hanging open slighlt,y ''What do you mean good?''

''I mean i want to be your first, your mine, and only mine.'' I replied leaning down to kiss the corner off her mouth.

''Gosh i love you.''


A bit off a Intimate scene there, Hey?


short chapter, sorry.

But my BESTFRIEND, wanted me to write a chapter, so yeah.




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