Me and the Player - Chapter 23

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I chuckled lightly, look at me, im like a freaking girl, already planning my future with Amy, imagaining it all in my head, but i couldnt help it, i loved this girl and i planned on  having a future with her, i planned on living the rest off my life with her.

If she'd want me that long, that is.

I hoped so, if she'd stay with me forever, then i swear, i would be the happiest man alive, id be happier than a blind person finally being able to see.

Thats how much she meant to me, everything.

And i was so excited to see what the future held for us.

Me and the Player

Chapter 23

Amelias POV.

Its been a few weeks since Jace had come back, and i hadnt been happier, but over the past few days he'd been, well, i dont really know how to put it, avoiding me? He didnt pick me up in the mornings for school, neither did he wait for me after school, id normally go to the parking lot after school hoping to run into him, but his car was always gone.

He spoke to me in lessons, but it was small talk, like he was trying not to talk to me, and as for lunch, he'd been sitting with some boys from the football team, not even glancing in my way, i had sat with Chloe over the past few days, she'd told me to ignore it, but honestly, how could i?

It was begging to get on my nerves, if he was going to ignore me, id do the same.

As i walked into the cafateria i noticed Jace sat with Amy at my usual, oh so now he finally decides he wants to talk to me?

I took my seat besides Chloe puproselly ignorning Jace, ''Hey Chloe.'' I smiled hugging her, She smiled back.

''Hey Ams.'' (Aim-s)

I began chatting with Chloe, laughing occasionally when Jace would cough, or wave his hands in front off us, trying to catch out attention, it didnt take Chloe long to catch on, she knew what i was doing, i leaned over so my lips were near her ear, i didnt want Jace to hear what i was saying.

''Im ignoring him, jerk deserves it, just, play along..'' I whispered into her ear, as i pulled away she nodded, a small smirk on her face.

''Hellooo? Amy?!'' Jace said, rather loudly, probally hoping to get my attention. i glared in his direction.

''Shut up, were talking.''

He seemed a little taken back by my rudeness, and the hurt that flashed across his face instantly made me feel bad, but i wasnt going to give in, he deserved it, he had ignored me for days!

As the bell rang i reached for my bag, slumoing it onto my back, i began walking to my lesson, Chloe had English, and i had Biology, with Jace.

Walking down the corridor, it was hard not to notice Jace following me, Just as i was about to turn into the classroom his warm hand caught my wrist, turning me around so i was facing him. I kept my face down, not wanting to see his eyes, knowing that if i did right there id give in and speak to him.

''Why are you ignoring me?'' He asked, i didnt reply.

''Amelia, why are you ignoring me?!'' He asked again, more fustrated this time.

I didnt reply, but i did try to pull my wrist from his grip, unseccesfully, stupid werewolf, with his stupid strength, id rather have a smurf as a boyfriend, atleast he would ignore me.

He'd buy me things, like.... SMURFF TEDDIES!

My life had been so serious latley i had completely forgotten about my beautifull Smurfy pies..

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