me and the player - chapter 25

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Me and the player

Chapter 25

Amelias POV.

I squeezed Jaces hand tightly as he led me down to abandoned corridor, hotel rooms on either side off us. 

The meal had gone great, we had both talked about everything really, from childhood memories all the way to school life, we just talked about everything.

He stopped outside one off the doors, number 25, i smiled, it was my favourite number, im suprised he rembered, i had only mentioned it once, and that was a long time ago, a very long time ago, i guess he has a good memory.

''You ready?'' Jace spoke whilst glancing down at me, his eyes full of love, he squeezed my hand slightly.

I didnt quite trust my voice, considering how nervous i was, it would probaly shake, and completeley embaress myself, so i just nodded.

He pulled a key out off his back pocket and placed it into the key hole, opening the door for me, i smiled at him mumbling a thank you as i walked past him into the large hotel room, i gasped at the beauty off it.

I heard the door click behind me and then Jaces warm arms wrapped around my waist from behind, he rested his head on my shoulder and kissed the side off my neck, i shivered slightly at the warmth and the electric sparks that shot through out my body.

Infront off me was huge glass window, one that looked out onto the city, it was beautifull, i couldnt quite take it all in, and then there was one question that remained in the back off my head, How did Jace afford all off this?

I walked un-conciously towards the glass window placing both my palms against it as i stared down at the city, lit with so many lights, i let my eyes trail to the sky, it was prettyy clear and the stars sparkled brightly, the moon was like a glowing orb, how is it that i had never noticed how beautifull the world really was?

''Are you in shock?'' Jace asked from besides me, he placed his hand ontop off mine, lacing his fingers through mine, I chuckled slightly.


He pulled our interwined hands from the window and turned me so i was facing him, ''I love you.'' He whispered placing our interwined hand on my cheek, ''I will always love you.''

I felt my eyes burn with tears at the perfctness off this scene, is that even a word? Perfectness, Oh well, i like it and it sounds good, so its a word.

''I love you to Jace,'' I whispered taking my hand from his and wrapping both my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in his tousled hair, ''Kiss me.''

He closed the gap between us and placed his warm lips on mine, it didnt take long for things to get heated, our tongues danced together, his teasing mine as it glided across mine. 

I shivered beneath him and he picked me up wrapping my legs around his hips.

I gasped, and pulled away, breathing heavily, He didnt stop though, trailing warm kisses down my neck, stopping on my collar bone as he sucked slightly.

''Lets go the the bed..' I managed to speak between gasps, tightening my fingers in his hair.

He nodded against my neck and walked to the bed, still carrying me, before laying me on the soft bed, i crawled to the top off the bed and lay down, waiting for him, he pulled his top off before walking over to me, crawling on top off me, I smiled before wrapping my arms around his neck and tugging his head down so our lips collided.

I ran my hand down his neck to his chest, and from there i ran my hand down his abs, i felt him tense beneath me, his muscles hardening, sheesh, he was muscley..

His hands trailed under my dress, stopping on the top off my thigh, i held back a moan, ''Are you sure your ready?'' Jace asked, kissing down my jaw.

''Im ready Jace.''

He rolled over so i was stradling him, and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling the zip off the dress down slightly, I kicked my heels off, and reached the belt on his trousers, un-buckling them.

I was finally ready, i wasnt if it was becase it was Jace, or because i was just ready, but i was pretty certain it was because it was Jace.



Im going to do the intimate scene next chapter... 

So just a early earning, the next chapter is RATED R.







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