Me and the Player - Chapter 10

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Ameilas POV.

After i eventually pulled myself out of bed, after drooling about Edward cullen..who is very handsom...TEAM EDWARD!

i eventually made it down the stairs, which i walked down very, VERY, carefully, i didnt want to fall again, it was fun.

But it hurt.


I walked into the living room and Chloe was lying on the sofa, she had a blanket pulled over her and she was snoring loudly.

I giggled, she snored funny, like an Alien. What! wasnt like an alien, it was like a Rhino.

I chuckled.

''Hehe...Rhino'' i muttered to myself.

Is that even how you spell Rhino ? R-H-I-N-O.

Where'd the H even come into it. It should be R-Y-N-O. That would be so much easier, i patted my back, im just gonna spell it Ryno from now on.

Hehe, i like RYNO'S.

And smurfs...oh no! i dont know which one i like more. I frowned.

Chloe stirred slightly and i made myself shut up.

I tippy-toed past her quietly and straight into the kitchen. Hmmm...what to do, what to do.

And then Jace walked in, and as he walked past me his arm brushed against mine and as usual the tingles and parks ran up my arm and through my body. I glared down at my arm and groaned.

''Thats getting annoying..'' i mumbled to myself, but Jace heard.

He was making a glass of water.

''What is?'' he asked suspiciously.

I wasnt going to lie, liengs bad, only bad people Lie, and im not bad, im good!

''Those stupid sparks i get everytime you touch me!'' i said angrily.

He smirked at and walked towards me.

''Oh, you feel them too?'' he said still smirking.

I nodded my head and norrowed my eyes at him.

''What the smurfing goats bum is it?'' i asked.

He chuckled lightly and his face became cocky, ''You, Amelia, like me.''

I shook my head, nu-uh. I did not like him! no way, stupid smurf getting the wrong idea's jsut because we shared a bed. Well he was wrong!

Are you sure about that?

wow! who said that?

You concious, idiot.

Wow..i have a concious?

Everybody does, how dumb are you!

Hey! there is no need for-


I jumped and punched at the predator.

Wait? what predator, and then i looked down realising it was Jace.

'' bad.'' i mumbled.

He stared at me, anger in his eyes.

''What the hell is your problem?''

I stared at him shocked, was he really asking me what my problem was?!

''You! your my Problem Jace.'' i said pointing a finger at him.

He was angry now.


nothing? was he joking?

I laughed with no humour.

''Right, so your not trying to play me like every other girl?''

He looked down as i said this.

I shook my head.

''Exactly, im jsut another girl for you to use.''

I turned around and went to walk out the room but he grabbed my arm and yanked me back towards him.

''Do you really think thats how i feel?'' He asked, his face completely serious.

I got lost in his eyes and i couldnt answer so i just nodded my head.

''Well you wrong.'' he muttered.

I stared at him thourghtfully, what was that supposed to mean? I raised an eyebrow at him.

''I keep trying to pretend you dont exist, i try to treat you like the other girls, but i cant..i dont want to hurt you...and i honestly dont like these feelings.'' He said, his voice shook slightly at the end.

''Geez, thanks, that makes me feel better.'' i mumbled.

It wasnt until then that i realised how warm his hand was, it was like fire against my skin, but it wasnt uncomfotable.


He began shaking and his grip on my arm tightened, what the heck? id never seen him this angry and to be completley honested, i was scared.

I didnt know what to say, or what to do.

He shook violentley and he stared at me. He released his hold on me and ran out the back door and into the garden, he ran straight to the end and into the forest, and then he was gone.

What was that?

I shook my head, somebody has anger problems.

I turned around then and Chloe was stood at the kitched doorway leaning against it casually.

''He wasnt lieng.'' she said.

I frowned. ''Huh?''

''He's not using you, he just doesnt know what TO do with you.''

I laughed, ''That makes me feel so happy.'' i mumbled sarcastically.

And then i turned serious, ''Wheres he gone?'' i asked.

She looked nervous for a second as if there was something she wasnt telling me and then she shook her head.

''Probaly for a morning jog.''

She was clearly lying, i wasnt stupid enough to fall for her lies.

''Dont lie.''

She looked up started and the nshe frowned.

''He has anger probalems, you made him angry, thats all, he probaly jsut went for some air.''

Id known plenty of people wit hanger probalems but never did they skin heat up like fire and never did they shake so violently they looked as if they'd explode.

Well smurf me if im wrong, but they;re certainly hiding something from me.

And im gonna find it out, MWAHAHAHA!

Chloe stared at me, ''What are you doing Amy?''

I smiled wickedly, and shook my head.

''Secret.'' i said.

She laughed along with me, she was a real best friend...

I just wished she wouldnt hide things from me. *Sad face*.



Im losing my alien brain power :O

i cant think of any idea's for this story, so give me some you beautifull smurflings, mwah!


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