Me and the Player - Chpater 22

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She pulled back and smiled, tears still streaming down her face, ''This is for you.'' I said handing the flower to her.

She smiled and took it from my hands, without a chance of thought i leaned down placing my lips on hers, she kissed back automatically, her arms twisting around my neck, her fingers lacing into my her, she whimpered as tears spilled down her face, still kissing me, i wrapped my arms around her tightly pulling her closer to me.

As she pulled away gasping for breath i placed my forehead on hers,

''I love you..''

Me and the Player.

Chapter 22.

Amelias POV.

Although for two months now my heart had been broken, in-complete, just being here with Jace, laying in his arms had fixed it, maybe not completely, but close enough, i still worried that myabe one day he'd leave, but for now, id take him, and be happy.

I glanced at my clock and sighed, it was 2:12am, but i honestly couldnt sleep, 2 months without him, and laying here in his arms in my bed was like a dream come true, and i was too scared to sleep, worrie that when i woke up he would be gone, and this would all be a piece off my imagination creating an all to real dream.

So staying awake really wasnt a choice if i wanted to make sure Jace really was here.

Burying my face in his chest i heard him sigh, tightening his arms around my waist as if he worried i would dissapear, when it was clearly the other way around.

''Where did you go?'' I whispered, kissing the crook off his neck, He shivered beneath me slightly.

''I dont actually know, but i missed you, so much, i swear i was going to travel the whole world until i found you, i was so lost without you, i felt empty, hollow almost.''

I laughed sligtly, ''What?'' He asked slightly confused.

''I felt agsactly the same, empty, you know, like i needed to be filled, with your love, and so everynight it had became a habit to sit at my bedroom window and watch the forest hoping maybe you'd walk out, a goofy grin on your face as you watched me, but never once did you appear. I was beginning to loose faith in you..'' My voice cracked slightly, ''But then there you were, stood outside staring up at my bedroom window, and i suddenly felt completely..''

He kissed the top off my hair, ''I love you so much,''

''I love you too.''

''Amy, make me a promise..''

I looked up at him in the darkness, the glowing light from the electric clock on my bedside table making his brown eyes shine in a dazzling way.

''Hmmm?'' I replied, staring deep into his eyes, i found myself lost in them, asif i could see all the way into his soul.

''Promise you'll Never leave me..'' He whispered, tucking a piece off hair that had fell infront off my face, behind my ear.

I smiled sadly, leaning in and brushing my lips against his, ''I promise.'' And then his lips crashed on mine, i was shocked for a moment, but soon reacted, moving my lips in unison with his.

He wrapped both arms around me and pulled me onto his lap so i was straddling him, I wrapped my arms around his neck, tightly, tangling my fingers in his messy hair, gosh i had missed him so much, every single inch off him.

I gasped as his hand slid down to my bum and he took this as an oppertunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, i groaned and fought for dominance, but soon gave up, letting him have controll, As our tongues dance his hands slipped down to the hem off my shirt tugging it slightly, my heart became un-even, pounding loudly in my chest, i wondered if he could hear it.

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