Me and the Player - Chapter 9

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Jaces POV

I glanced at my clock, 3:23am.

They should be asleep by now...i smiled evily to myself. This would be fun.

I snuck down stairs quietly and into the kitchen, i turned the light on and squinted my eyes, trying to get used to the birghtness.

Once i could see properly i walked over to the sink and opened the cuboard beneath it. I pulled out a black bucket and grinned.

I filled it with cold water and then pulled a bag of ice out of the freezer and tipped it all into the bucket, Chloe was going to hate me...and well, Amelia was going to hate me even more.

I tiptoed up the stairs with the bucket in my hand and walked towards Chloes bedroom. Her door was open slightly so i pushed it with my foot and peeked in. Amelia lay on the her hair splashed over the pillow and her lips parted slighty..

She looked beautifull...

WOAH! where did that come from? No. she looked like very other girl.

And then there was Chloe, i chuckled lightly, he body was hanging out of the bed and loud snores erupting from her, i wondered how Amelia was managing to sleep through Chloes snoring. I mystery that will never be unsolved.

I then tiptoed towards Amelias bed, and grinned evily.

Here we go.

I tipped half the bucket over her and she gasped, and then squeeled loudly jumping out of the bed.


I laughed loudly and placed a finger over my lip indicating her to be quiet.

I only just managed to controll my laughter, Amelias her stuck to her forhead and all her clothes hung to her body. I looked her up and down and winked, and then she slapped my arm.

I frowned at her and then walked towards chloes bed this was going to be funny...

I tipped the rest off the bucket over her and she screamed, it was so loud i had to cover my ears.

She jumped out of bed and snatched the bucket out of my hand.


and then she hit me across the head with the bucket. I placed my hand on my head, OW!

Im not one to moan when i get hurt, but that really hurt, she raised the bucket again ready to strike.

''No! put the bucket down Chloe..''

I put my hands up in a surrender position and i looked towards amelia who was rolling on the floor clutching her stomach, she was laughing.

I glared at her when her eyes met min e and she laughed even more.

Chloe dropped the bucket then.

''You idiot! i cant sleep in my bed now! ill have to sleep on the sofa..''

She collcted her stuff and stormed down the stairs leaving Ameila. Wow, what a great friend just leaving a guest up here alone.

I felt bad, she obviously had no where to sleep now.

''Get up Amelia.''

She stared at me and pulled her self off the ground.

''Its Amy.'' She said.

I looked at her grinning, ''Nah, i like Amelia.''

I walked out the bedroom and told her to follow, suprisingly, she did.

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