Me and the Player - Chapter 21

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I howled lifting my head up, listening as it echoed around the forest, i had to be close to her.. it wasnt fair. Why was the world such a cruel place?

Once i am back with Her it will just prove nothing can seperate us, Nothing.

Glancing up at the stars one last time, i lay my head down once again closing my eyes tightly, images off Amy filling my head, my eyes burned as the tears filled them, but i ingored it slowly falling to sleep, wishing that amy was beside me, wrapped in my arms.

Me and the Player.

Chapter 21

Amelias POV.

Glancing out off the window i watched as darkness took over the sky, the sun slowly disspearing beneath the clouds, 2 months now, thats how long it had been since i d last seen Jace, and slowly, i was giving up faith in him, the part inside me that believed he had realised now, that i wasnt worth his time, i was just a little girl, and he, my god.

I let the tear roll down my cheek and brushed it away with the sleeve off my shirt quickly, i wouldnt lie and say i was happy for him, because truthully, i just wished he could be here, but i knew he wasnt coming back now.

I had had faith in him, and now every ounce off it was gone, 2 months after he had gone, and still he's not back, ever since the day he had gone there had been a pain in my chest, my heart, it had started off tolerable, but now, it was slowly becoming un-bearable, it was a pain, everytime my heart beat, like it was bleeding, it needed to be fixed, and only one person could fix it.

But he was gone.

And i didnt know when he was coming back, if he was even coming back at all.

I couldnt put into words how much i missed him, but i can tell you a few basic things, my life felt empty, hollow without him, like, it needed to be filled, with him.

I needed him, i wanted him.

I had cried myself to sleep everynight, whispered his name into the wind contlessly, hoping maybe he'd hear me, whereever he was.

Infact, it had been 2 months, and he still hadnt returned, i realised this could mean two things, two things that hurt to even think about.

1. Jace hda realiesd im not good enough for him, and chose to start over again, somewhere new.

2. He was dead.

My heart clenched at the last one, i hoped it was none, but if it had to be either, id hope it was the first and not the second, if he was Dead, im not completley sure what id do, drown in my sorrows.

Become depressed.

Hate life.

Sighing i glanced down at the misty forest, this had become a habit off mine during the night, my Mother had learnt to just let me be and not disturb me anymore, i was gratefull that she just gave me time alone.

As i stared at the forest, i noticed a few off the bushes towards the front rustle slightly as if something was there, moving.

I strained my eyes to look closer, but it was too dark, i couldnt see anything.

With one last glance, i pulled my window shut and walked over to my bed, i lay down staring up at the roof, ''Good night Jace.'' I whispered to myself.


Jaces POV.

I wasnt going to give up, i wasnt sure how long it had been, but id guess around 2 months, 2 months without my Beautifull Amelia, The thought that she was still out there, hopefully looking for me, was the only thing that kept me ot persue this journey.

I wasnt entirley sure where i was now, but my surroundings were soon become recognizable, i recognised it, the forest at the back off my house, the forest that i had hid in countless times watching Amy's house to make sure she was okay.

Picking up pace i ran down a familiar track straight towards Amy's home, Stopping as the tree's came to an end and just a few bushes protected me from being seen.

I sat down on the muddy ground, still in my wolf form, and glanced up at Amy's window, and there she sat.

I gasped at her beauty, i forgot just how beautifull she really was.

She stared down towards my direction, but then turned her gaze away sighing and shutting the window as she climbed off the ledge.

She looked sad, depressed maybe.

What had caused my Amy to be so sad?

I hoped maybe it was my absence, but i couldnt be certain, in 2 months she could have moved on, found anybody.

Deciding i couldnt handle my own thoughts anymore i ran home, phasing into my human form before reaching the back door off my house.

Opening the door the first thing i heard was my mothers worried voice along with Chloes cry off joy.

''Jace? is that you?'' My mother asked her voice full off concern as she walked into the kitchen, her eyes filled with tears as she ran towards me embracing me.

''Jace! where have you been? you wouldnt velieve how much i missed you..''

Sighing i pulled away, ''Its a long story mum, but i have to go see someone..'' I trailed off glancing over at Chloe who stood at the doorway staring at me.

''Is it that Amy girl?'' My mother asked, ''Chloe told me about her.''

I nodded, ''I need to see her mum.''

''You do what you feel is right son,'' She told me kissing my cheek, i smiled warmly at her before sprinting up the stairs to my bedroom changing into some clean clothes, oncei  was dressed i pulled on a pair off trainers and ran straight out off the house, i didnt bother saying bye, they knew where i was going.

Running down the road as fast as i could, the win hitting against my face caused my eyes to fill with tears, i blinked letting them run down my face, and then realised i was actaully crying, with joy.

Id finally get to be with Amy.

I hoped she wouldnt hate me.

As i noticed her house up ahead i increased my pace, and the stopped outside the front door, it was late, and im pretty sure her mother would be asleep, so i walked around to the back off her house, i stared up at her bedroom window, the curtains where closed.

I picked up a small stone throwing it at the window.


I picked up a bigger one this time and threw it.


That ought to get her attention.

I sighed in relief as her curtains pulled back, and her face popped out from the side searching for the source off the sound, her eyes stopped on mine and her moth opened in the shape off an 'O'/

She closed the curtain and i pressumed ran to the front door.

I walked around to the front door and pulled a flower out of the ground before she could open it.

Holding it infront off me, i put on my best smile and waiting for her.

Before i knew it Amy was running into my arms, sobbing as she lay her head against my shoulder, i felt my own eyes prickled with tears but blinked them away.

''Hey..'' I whispered into her hair, kissing it slightly.

She pulled back and smiled, tears still streaming down her face, ''This is for you.'' I said handing the flower to her.

She smiled and took it from my hands, without a chance of thought i leaned down placing my lips on hers, she kissed back automatically, her arms twisting around my neck, her fingers lacing into my her, she whimpered as tears spilled down her face, still kissing me, i wrapped my arms around her tightly pulling her closer to me.

As she pulled away gasping for breath i placed my forehead on hers,

''I love you..''

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