Me and the Player - Chapter 17

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Chapter 17.

Jaces POV.

After spending the whole dayw ith Amy watching movies, insetad off being at school, i had decided i wanted her to see what i looked like when i phased, i wanted Amy to see the other side off me, my wolf side, i also think i should tell her now, that im an alpha off a pack, im not sure how she'll take it, but considering she takes everything so lighly, im sure she'll be ok with it.

Chloe was at school, and i had rang her up this morning and asked her to tell the school Amy was ill and i was looking after her, i also asked her if she could go to a friends house after school, i wanted to spend the day with Amy, alone.

We were now sat on the couch, Amy was laying down, her head resting in my lap as i ran my fingers through her hair, we were watching The smurfs Movie, amys decision, obviously, and she was smiling brightly,i loved seeing her happy.

I didnt want to interupt her, but i couldnt wait any longer, i wanted her to know everything about me, i was letting all my walls down for this girl, this stranger girl that had somehow captured my heart, the strange girl that i imprinted on, the one that id love forever, even long after she was...dead.

I knew that was going to be hard, i was a werewolf, off course i age, but its all just messed up, thats howcome im 17 and look about 19, our age is just messed up, and i knew that Amy would die many years before i, i wasnt sure how to handle that, was there a way to turn someday into a werewold? i knew vampires bit people, and BAM! there a vampier, but how do you change a human to a werewolf? would Amy be willing to be a werewolf to spend her life with me? i wasnt sure, i was scared to ask her, i had my doubts, she may say no, and then id be stuck with the feeling off rejection for the rest off my life.

Why is life so complicated? i sighed and leaned down to kiss the top off Amys head, ''Amy?''  i whispered as the movie came to an end, the credits scrolling down the screen, she looked up at me, curiousity in her eyes.


''I need to show you something, well, i want to show you something.'' I said, i kept my face serious, so she'd know this wasnt a joke, or anything stupid.

''Ok?'' she seemed slightly worried, i climbed off the couch taking amys hand in mine as we did so, i left the Tv on, not really bothered about leaving it on, and headed out the back door in the kitchen to the garden, Amy followed behind me silently, if only i could read minds, id love to know what was running through that mysterious head off hers.

I kept walking until we were at the edge off the forest that lay behind my garden, i glanced back at Amy, ''Stay her.'' I said pointing a fingure at her, she nodded and i took off in a sprint into the forest, here goes nothing.

I didnt want to rip my clothes so i took them off, item by item untill i was butt naked, i thought about Amys face as i phased and then took off in the direction off the garden, i wouldnt actually go into the garden..we had neighbours, and seeing a werewolf in there next door neighbours garden would probally frighten them, a little.

So i stopped on the edge off the forest, a grolwed quietley hoping to get Amys attention, Her head whipped in my direction and she gasped covering her mouth as she noticed me, i gave her a few minutes to calm down, and hesitantly she began walking towards me, her eyes never loosing contact with mine.

She stopped in front off me, her breathing was ragged, silly Amelia, she shouldnt be scared, i would never hurt her, and if i did, id never forgive myself, Never.

She reached a shaking hand out and stroked my head, running her fingers through my thick Brown fur, i tried to smile, but im not sure if it really looked like a smile in my wolf form.

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