chapter 9

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Jungkook was so scared ...why this is happening to him...he don't know...he really don't know what to do ...he sit quietly, shaking in fears in a corner of the room..where he thought nobody was watching him...and hoped his hyungs come home soon ....

After finishing his club matter jimin come home ...he went to his room get freshen up ...he thought maybe jungkook is sleeping so he first prepare something to eat ...then he went upstairs to call jungkook...he knock the door 3-4 times calling  jungkook but there is no get him little worried...
"Kook I m coming inside"and he entered the was dark and everything is so messed up... first he switched on the light ...and find jungkook on the floor ....he run to him quickly..
"Ohh fuck ...kook..."he shout looking at jungkook's state ...he run to the younger and hold him in his arms...
"Hyung finally you came "and jungkook pass out ...jimin somehow managed to get him into the bed ...then he called Suga....

After some time...
"What happened??!"suga asked entering jungkook's room ..."i don't know ...when I come here he was shaking in fears .. mumbling like crazy ...then he saw me and he pass out .." jimin explained everything..."why he is alone jimin..I told you to take care of him .."suga knows that jimin can never do anything to harm jungkook intentionally..but he was worried and angry at the same time ...
"Sorry ..I really don't want him to come alone but ..."jimin try to say but .."stop ...I don't want to hear anything..I want some time alone "suga blurted out ...and he knows it will break jimin's heart ...but now he can't do anything...jimin was shocked..he open his mouth to say something but didn't and walked out of the room crying quietly....

Finally jungkook open his eyes...first thing he saw was his Suga Hyung...
"Hyung..."he weakly called Suga who was thinking something deeply...but hearing jungkook voice he get out of this thoughts.."ohh kookie wake up ... thank God .."he kissed jungkook forehead..."hyung water.."suga quickly fill the glass and make him sit then handed him the water glass..."where is jimin Hyung"jungkook was shocked that jimin was not there..."actually I overreacted and took my anger on him "suga said looking down ..."hyung it's not his fault..go and say him sorry okay.."jungkook said pouting...Suga smiled at him squishing his cheeks.."i will but first tell him why did you pass out..?!!"jungkook eyes again filled with fear when he remembered everything...but he can't say anything to his hyungs ...he somehow managed and smiled at his Hyung.."actually hyung I get off from taxi quite far away from home so I was tired from walking..."he came up with most stupid reason..."then why are you shaking when jimin came ...??!"suga was not convinced yet ..."actually hyung I was watching some random videos and then a horror video come up that's why ...!?"again with a stupid reason.. obviously Suga was still unsure if jungkook is telling the truth ..he wants to ask more .."hyung ..go first and make up with jimin Hyung ..if he break up with you don't blame me .."jungkook quickly added ..and it works .."yes are right ..."with that he went outside the room...
Jungkook sigh in relief ...he doesn't want because of him his hyung lose his love ....they both look so cute together...

Suddenly his phone vibrates....he looked at his phone ...

"It was stupid  but you did a great job..."
   "Nightmare changed into love "

Uhhh... jungkook forget that V is controlling his phone ....he really wants to break the phone but he is really afraid of the consequences...when he knows how cruelly he kills the people...
Fuck ...this is a fucking nightmare for him ...what if he can't get away  from the killer ...


Hope you are doing well....
And those who are reading my story ... thanks 💜
I m really grateful ...I hope you will be with me till the end of this journey...

And don't worry there will be more taekook scene ...

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