chapter 7

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"jungkookie...wake up .. don't you want to go your college"Suga was trying to wake up jungkook literally for 5 minutes..but this lil bunny was not getting up ... reason??
Again the dreams..he can't sleep at all ..he stay up all night..but after listening to Suga's word ..he quickly sit up ..
"Ohh shit ..what is the time now Hyung?"he asked getting up from bed...
"Don't worry still have a Lil time ...get downstairs quickly after getting ready okay "suga kissed his forehead and went downstairs..after some time jungkook come and they all eat their breakfast..
Then they parted their ways...again jimin was reminded to take care of jungkook before leaving house..

"So...I forgot to ask you but how was your first day ..?"jimin asked him when they are walking on the college hallway..
"Not bad ..I guess"jungkook replied looking at the treehouse....
"Don't will get adjusted soon"jimin said in a comforting manner... jungkook looked at him and nodded his head as they reached his classroom... jungkook enter and directly went to last bench ...which he prefers the most ....he quickly sit in the bench ...the classroom is still not full yet ...but his eyes fell on something...a banana milk was kept under the desk ...he took it out ... a stick note was attached to it ..with a trembling hands he take off the notes...

"I know you didn't slept drink your banana milk..have a fresh day my love.."-v

How did he know that he didn't sleep well last night...he was watching him ..but how ??
Why it's becoming creepier day by day...he should ask someone...he reached out a boy who is sitting infront of him..." you notice anyone around my bench .."the boy look at him with a scared expression..
"Noo ...I didn't"he said getting a Lil away from jungkook looking around like he was scared by someone... jungkook didn't get it why he is so scared...
"Umm I was wondering if you know someone called V"as soon as the name slipped from his mouth the boy's eyes widened in fear...
"Noo..I don't..."the boy screams... jungkook wanted to ask more questions but the boy is about to pass out he back to his seat... suddenly he remembered something...he decided to ask about it to his hyungs in evening...he again looked at the banana milk..he took it about to throw it but something stopped him..

"Here...your banana milk.."

" remembered that I like it "

"Ofcourse love I remembered everything about you.. "

"Thank you so much "
*Kiss his cheeks*

Ahhh ..he hold his head...what was that..was that a moment from his past..who is the another person with him ...but his Suga hyung said that he didn't have a boyfriend...was he lied to him ..but why ??
He put the banana milk in his bags..his mind was all mess ..he wants answer...
Dream ? V? then a sudden flashback?!killer.. about his hyung....

What the fuck is really happening here ...???!!!

Am I too late ???
Sorry for keep you waiting ...🫂

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