chapter 15

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Jungkook woke up and suddenly feel that someone is also with him in his bed...he turned and look at the person
...he sigh in relief..ohh it's just taeh....

*Wait ...what ?!!why am I sleeping with him *he again turned with a shocked expression....but this time their face was lil close...he looked at Taehyung's face ...he was godly handsome.. jungkook felt like this isn't first time when he wake up beside this man and seeing him this close...he looked at tae's feature...his perfect face is shining in the sun light...but he felt guilty again after seeing light bruises in Taehyung's face....he slightly touch the bruises...

"If you like my face that much you can move in with me "taehyung said slowly opening his eyes...

Jungkook back up a little, due to embarassment his cheeks became red...
"What are you talking about ...I m going to shower first "with that jungkook run towards the bathroom forgetting that he doesn't take any clothes with him... taehyung smirked looking at embarrassed bunny...

After sometime jungkook come out with only a towel around his waist....he quietly come out and pull a Lil corner of Taehyung's shirt... taehyung again open his eyes and immediately mesmerized with the beauty standing infront of him...

"Umm..I was.. wandering can I like... borrow your clothes.."jungkook said looking everywhere except taehyung...
Taehyung smirked and get up from the bed...and stand infront of jungkook...

"And..what can I get in the return then..."taehyung said coming close to jungkook... jungkook back away a Lil when he realise that taehyung is so close ....and looked at Taehyung...

"Tell me..?!!"taehyung again said coming more  and more closer ...and jungkook going  backward... suddenly his back bumped into something indicating he can't move further...

Now Taehyung is so close to him and slowly put his hand beside younger ...Now jungkook is caged between Taehyung's hand ...

" ..y..ou !?"jungkook asked and cursed himself for shuttering but it's too late now....

"Nothing...I m just...."taehyung said leaning closer... jungkook close his eyes as he thought taehyung going to kiss him but suddenly heard a opening sound...he open his eyes and look at the that  direction

Then he realised he was bumped into the cupboard and taehyung was just teasing him...

"I m just giving you clothes...what were you thinking huh ..??!!"taehyung was really enjoying the was fun to tease jungkook ...

"Give me that "jungkook said grabbing the clothes from Taehyung's hand ...
"Go now ...take shower ..I m hungry "jungkook said pushing taehyung inside the bathroom...his face is surely looking like a tomato...

Taehyung smile and get inside the bathroom....

Now they are sitting in living room and eating their breakfast...
"Aren't you going to college today?!"taehyung asked ..."i don't think so ..first I have to settle the matter with that come to hyung I remember I need to hurry ...btw thanks for breakfast and I will return your clothes soon... okay..."with that jungkook  get up and went to put on his shoes...

"Btw I can drop you ...if you want to ..."taehyung said following jungkook but get cut off by jungkook...
"You are hurt and get well first ...and rest quitely okay don't move around....and here is my number me if you need something..."jungkook said and run outside of the house after giving taehyung his phone...

Taehyung looked at him feels like old days where jungkook run to his house when his hyungs call him or tell him to return...


Jungkook enter the house with a scary feeling ...he knows that his hyung must be so angry ...but he have to face him...
He quietly open the door and get expected Suga is waiting for him in the living room... honestly he was looking so scary ... jungkook looked at jimin ...and he indicate him to stay calm ...he relax and sit infront of Suga...

"So kindly explain..."suga said without looking at jungkook..."hyung was urgent.."jungkook started but ...

"What kind of urgency that you need to go without telling us...??!!"suga yelled at him...

"Hyung ...I met a new friend few days ago...he was good but he get into a accident yesterday... he was injured and has no one so I offered him to help him..."jungkook again started which is also cut off by Suga...

"When did you make friends tell me...and if he was injured then why didn't you take him hospital instead of his home ..."yeah jungkook can't argue anymore...he has no reason ...he himself don't know how to explain what was going on... without telling what actually was going on ...
He needs break ... break from everything...

"Hyung I m here standing infront of you ... totally fine .. isn't that enough...what I m to you exactly?!! A fucking prisoner...I m adult now Hyung I can take care of myself....he was my only friend hyung ... nobody talks to me ..I don't know fucking why ??!! Cause you aren't gonna tell me anything about my past...what if I go to his house...?!! What's so big deal about it ... friends can go to each other's house ..." Jungkook also yelled getting a Lil angry ...

"Cause I don't want to loose you again ...I don't want him to find you ...I want to hide you from that person ...if he find you ..he will take you away from us can't be "suga said as tear started forming in his eyes....

"From whom hyung..."jungkook feel like there is something his hyungs is not telling him...he was somehow feeling that it was connected to "V"...but he can't say that to his hyung...

"No.. don't have to know...I will save you ..." Suga said hugging jungkook tightly....

Jungkook wants to know more but he don't want to worried his hyung more he quickly hug back and comforted him...

"Shhh..hyung ... nothing is gonna happen to me ...and sorry please forgive me only this time ..I won't repeat it ...okay .."jungkook said still hugging Suga...

Suga nodded and break the hug ..."okay ... only for this time go and rest okay.."suga cup jungkook's face and kiss his forehead...

Jungkook smile at him and went towards his room....he was happy that everything is settled now...he sat down in the bed...
Suddenly he heard the  notification sound ...he happily  looked the phone as he thought it was maybe taehyung but when he saw the msg his smile disappeared and a scared expression took over to his face  ....

"Nobody can save you from me baby are simply mine and you yourself can't deny that ..."

The msg itself hold the extreme possessiveness that jungkook can hear him...his deep and husky voice...he quickly put the phone away and covered himself by the duvet...

Well ...that was actually from the taehyung but who is gonna tell this to bunny boy....ha ha ha ....


Hey ....I finished writing it so I thought to update this chapter ...
Tell me do you like it ...

(Actually I want to update more often but I also want you to enjoy the story I tried my best to write a better chapter...)

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