chapter 8

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Jungkook was returning from school not with jimin cause he was busy with his club....jimin wasn't ready to let him go alone but somehow jungkook convince him...he stopped the taxi at the little distance from their house..cause he just want to walk for little time ...he get off from the taxi...and walk towards his house...
After five minutes of walk he reached his home ...but immediately stopped when he found a beautiful flower bouquet placed infront of the door...he quickly grab the bouquet... honestly it was beautiful.. jungkook look carefully in the bouquet if there any stick note...but when he found nothing he sighed in relief ... thanks god it's not from that V...
But he again looked around to find someone but there is no one..."you are so preety you know that "he said while smiling, looking at the flowers...maybe it's his hyungie order for jimin..he thought and take the bouquet with him...
He directly went to his bedroom ..he placed the bouquet in the table and went to change his clothes...he quickly get up to bed and decided to take a nap until his hyungs come home...but suddenly his phone vibrates...he looked at his phone normally no one's message him other than his both hyungs and they both are busy this was a unknown number...
When he look the message ..his eyes filled with fears that he throw his phone ...
It was a photo of him holding the bouquet .. smiling..with a message ..

with a message

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" are the prettiest..-V"

He was really scared now ...was the person present there but he didn't see is going on...again his phone vibrates...he slowly
pick up his phone and read the message...

"Don't be scared love .."

Jungkook look around if someone is looking at him but he can't see anything suspicious...he really needs his hyungs now ...he needs to tell him ...first he have to block this number ...and he immediately block the number...
He feels a Lil safe now ...the killer can't enter the home without password so he was safe inside the he have call his hyungs and everything gonna be alright...but he was  about to call, a message show up with the same number which he blocked...

"You can't block my number's not gonna work..I m controlling your phone..."

Wtf ..he thought and call his hyungs but the call immediately get cut..he tried many times but he failed... another message show up...

"Told you ...not gonna work.."

Finally jungkook decided to reply...

"Who are you...and what do you want ??"

"I already told you I m v ...and what I want is you ..I want "you " babe"

"Look ...if you don't stop then I m going to tell my hyungs and police "

"Really... don't you think it's risky..kook don't angry me ...if you want both of them to be alive "

"Why are you doing this to me ??"

"Cause you are mine ...and yes one important thing if you want your hyungs to be  safe than don't tell them anything about me .. understand..also if you are thinking that breaking your phone gonna solve everything then you can try it .."

"How did you know ..what I m thinking ??"

"I know you very well kook..."

"It's crazy you know... please let me live peacefully... please you can find anyone else but not me .."

"Not in this lifetime love ...and yes don't ignore my message when I text you ...that's all and yes find me soon ...I m waiting for you ..."

Jungkook's whole body paralyzed... finally he understood why the killer always say find me !! Cause it was always reffers to the fuck a killer fall for him ...he feels like trapped ...and he can't find a way .....


Let me ask you honestly you want me to continue..even if a single person wants that then I will...☺️

You know I m losing confidence somehow...
Btw that's for today....

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