chapter 17

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Thank you for reading my story*flying kiss*....
Let's continue....

After two days....

Everything is going as usual ... jungkook was still confused about the kiss and sometimes he feels happy when taehyung msg him...he don't know how to explain his feelings right now...

Jungkook and taehyung never get a chance to meet after that day ...but sometimes they text each other....

About V ....looks like he was lil calm right now....cause he haven't msg till now....

Again jimin got busy with his club so jungkook has to go alone but this time Suga agreed cause he was at home ....

Jungkook hop off from the taxi muttering a small "thank you"...then he started to walk towards his home....

He was walking and thinking about everything once again... don't worry it's daily routine now (Haan wo chalte chalte kho jata hai apni duniya mein )
He comes out from his world when he heard some mumbled ...he looked at that direction...and saw...

There is few people are gathered looking at something...
Jungkook's one of sense said him to not to go there but another sense said him to check it out ...and ofcourse he listens to another sense...he started walk towards that direction...he pushed a few people and make a way to go to front...but immediately regret it....

There was a body of a 26-27 years was clearly noticable that he was tortured to death...and yeah his eyeballs are looks like someone took it out by hands ... jungkook shiver looking at the body...there are so many cut and bruises in his body...his face also ....WAIT A MINUTE .. his face........ isn't it the same boy who......


2 days ago...

Jungkook went to the grocery but some snacks ,as they decided to watch some movie tonight....he was picking one chips packet at the time another person grab it....

"Hey it's was mine "jungkook screamed at the man..."opps...but I grab it firrrsss..."he stopped when he look at jungkook..." can take it ...but in exchange can you give me your number"he said coming a Lil closer to jungkook...

"Take it I don't need it ..."jungkook jerk off the hands of the person...went to other side ...but the person started to follow him around ... making him uncomfortable and asking for his number.... finally jungkook got irritated and exit the store .. hoping that now he might won't  follow but ...god how wrong he was ....there comes the person waving at him...he sighed and started to walk fast...

He flinched suddenly the person dragged him to a empty ally...he pinned jungkook in the wall...
"Fucking leave me you bastard"jungkook screams...
"Ohh this baby boy got guts hnn "the person whispered in the jungkook's ear... jungkook rolled his eyes...
"Look I m saying it for your sake ...leave me or it won't be good for you ..."jungkook said and the man chuckled at this ..."lets see what you can do baby boy "and he leaned close to kiss jungkook but jungkook was fast ...he kicked the person in his abdomen...the person groaned in pain..."fuck"he said before falling into the ground holding his stomach....

"Don't mess with this baby boy" with that jungkook leave from there....

Flashbacks end...

He gasped remembering the accident ... could it be that V kill the boy...??!!
*How cruelly ..*(jungkook thinking)

Someone smirked ....

"How cruelly..."jungkook hear someone saying his thought at the same time as if he was reading his mind...he turn back to look at the person

And there goes another shock...

"What are you doing here tae?! "Jungkook ask as he dragged the man out of the crowd....
"Ohhh...umm I ..umm yes..I come to get my clothes"finally taehyung made some excuses....

"Ooo...but sorry I forgot about them ..can I bring it to you tomorrow ...we can meet in the park .."jungkook said as he is afraid of being seen by someone...

"Btw I have one  thing to discuss with you ...come here.."again jungkook dragged taehyung to a more quite place they sit on the shadows of the tree...

"Hmm tell me what you want to discuss"taehyung said raising one eyebrow...he is looking damn handsome... concentrate jungkook it's not the time ... jungkook thought and started narrating whole story.. about that boy ...

"So you are saying that killer is V ...??!!"jungkook nodded his head slowly...."jungkook I think we should stay away from this type of know it's risky...and we don't have any proof that it was V...or you have ?!!"taehyung asked suspiciously....

"Noo ...tae ..yeah I know it's risky but it's sad to think that someone die because of me ..."jungkook blurted out not knowing  how this word affected taehyung...

"So you think that type of person deserve to live ...who force himself on you " taehyung replied anger in his voice...

"Noo ...that bastard don't deserve to live...but .."jungkook cutt off by Taehyung's word...

"Then there is no buts jungkook... don't think too much okay..."again jungkook nodded his head and looked at Taehyung narrowing his eyes...
"Why are you defending him btw "taehyung sighed he expected jungkook to be this smart ....
"I m not defending him ...just saying that this time what he did was right ..."taehyung explained as he already prepared...

"Yess...I have one more thing to tell ...I meet V "jungkook said not looking at Taehyung's eyes ...

*Yeah I already know that *taehyung thought but replied acting shocked "really?!...then"jungkook blushed at this question and started to tell everything...

"Whatt...he kissed how do you feel your words you don't seem disgusted ..."jungkook wide his eyes in shock as if he gets caught on something...

"Actually ...I don't know about that... honestly ...I should hate it ...I m feeling disgusting for liking it ..."jungkook finally said what is bothering him from 2 days...

"Jungkook... remember it's your choice...and it's your life...I think your past is related to V .... don't think too much do what you heart says ... okay..I won't judge you jungkook "

"Yeah you are right... thank you "jungkook said with a small smile.... suddenly jungkook's phone started  ringing ...he looked at it...
As expected his Suga hyung...

"Okay let's meet tomorrow..bye bye "jungkook get up and started leaving....
Taehyung saw jungkook leaving and type something on his phone...

Jungkook again looked at his phone to see the msg...from Taehyung...
"Run ...what if V is here he is gonna again kiss you then don't blame me ..."

Jungkook look around and started running for his life... taehyung chuckled at the bunny boy's cuteness....


Okay ...
Imagine love triangle between Taehyung ,v,and jungkook..😂🤣
(But don't worry guys's not going to happen as it's first it's not my actual idea to V meeting jungkook as taehyung ...but
It's already happened...soon I m gonna  focus on the actual please wait for that...)

And from this chapter we learned that....

Jealous jungkook is cute...
But jealous taehyung is more be aware armies... don't make our tae jealous too much..

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