chapter 22

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In dining table....

Jungkook was hoping to see Suga here but it's been 15 mins...there is no sign of him ....where is he ?!... jungkook doesn't touch the food yet ... looking around ....and obviously it caught Taehyung's attention...he signalled jimin...who also look at jungkook...jimin sighed ...

"Kook...he was sleeping in my room...I will call you when he will wake up.. don't worry your have to take your medicine..."jimin said softly ...if jimin told him same thing when they are living together... jungkook happily obeyed him..but this time he felt anger ...who is he to stop him from seeing his own brother....

"Don't call me's not for you...and don't show your fake care ...I know you feel nothing about us ...and you both are toying with our feelings...was it fun ?!!we are not your sluts remember that..."jungkook yelled in frustration.... taehyung face become pale and he looked at younger in pure anger ...he get up from his seat angrily...with a loud thud ..the chair fell down... taehyung kicked the chair in anger giving a last look to jungkook and leave from there.....

Jungkook was scared to death...he thought maybe taehyung reach his limits ...and gonna kill him for sure ...but why ..what he said was truth...there is nothing to get angry about....

"Jungkook....I know it's must be difficult for you....afterall you don't remember anything....but you know what.. it's more difficult for taehyung ...who remember everything..."jimin was sad for taehyung cause he knows how much he loves jungkook was anything but toying with his feelings...

"Why are you so concerned about a killer... a psychopath...huh..?!!he killed people ... innocent people " jungkook had enough why jimin taking is Taehyung's side is jungkook's fault to became Taehyung's obsession...hell he wants to leave from here so badly....

"Jungkook ...if you didn't lost your memory than you would definitely know ...who he kills are anything but innocent...leave it ...and about taehyung...if he was really toying with you and bad as you are saying ...then he can simply raped you and killed you already... you hate me and tae for betraying you and Suga ...that's have rights...but judging someone's love don't have any rights..." Jimin said in a stern and cold voice actually it's jungkook's first time seeing this side of jimin ....he shockingly looked at jimin who get up and went towards the stairs ....

Jungkook also get up as he lost his appetite completely...and went to his rooms .....he was sitting in the bed and thinking about what jimin said...his every words .... making him feel guilty...wait what .... guilty??!!!...

Jungkook was deeply thinking about the events after his accidents... encounter with taehyung...the message from V ...he still couldn't able to believe they both are the same person....

But his actions are always screams that taehyung care for him....does he really hate taehyung ??!! From his heart much he tried but he knows very well that he can't hate taehyung for some unknown reasons....yes he was angry on jimin and taehyung but he never hate them ....why??!!

Suddenly he heard the noise of door opening....he looked at the direction... taehyung was standing there with a plate in his hands ....what's he is doing here... isn't he angry on him... jungkook thought..taehyung come and sit infront of him..

"Eat your food and take your medicine..."taehyung said handing him the plate..."i don't want to hear any excuse kook... don't try to test my patience..."he added as he saw jungkook is going to say something...

Jungkook slowly take the plate and started eating not wanting to anger taehyung more but what he didn't notice was a big cut and dried blood stains on Taehyung's hand ....after he finished eating taehyung give him medicine and he eat silently still not realising the cut....but when he was giving the plates to taehyung he finally noticed ...he gasped and the plate landed on the floor with a loud thud...

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