chapter 23

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On jungkook's side....

Jungkook was wondering alone in the corridor...he was just looking for an escaping route but he can't find anything till now...

But he is already tired ...he looked around suddenly a room caught his eyes felt familiar but why ?!! Did he come here before...

He slowly walked to that room...placed his hand on the handle...
"If it didn't open then I will just leave from here..."
He mumbled and twisted the handle and he surprisingly it opened...
He entered the was messy .. everything is on the floor and broken.... pieces from various things are scattered....

He looked around ...then it hits was Taehyung's room...he saw there few drops of blood near the broken mirror...he must be here after walking from the dining table...

He looked at the walls...
*Wtf* was filled with their photos...and sometimes jungkook's random photos...

He looked every picture carefully.... suddenly his eyes landed on a certain pic...


"Hyuunggg...." Jungkook whined ...

" Yess baby.."taehyung pull him into his lap...

"We decided that we will only stick our photos in the room but you put my single ones's not fair.."jungkook said with a pout...

"Sorry baby ...but you were looking so cute in these photos that I can't help Myself..."taehyung said and kissed jungkook's pout...

" know there are so many beauty in our campus ...what if one day I doesn't look beautiful to you..."jungkook said in a serious tone...

"But there is only one beauty in my world ...and that is you...and even if your face is full of wrinkles and scars will always be beautiful to me matter what are the only one ...and look here ..."jungkook looked at taehyung with his big doe teary eyes as he was getting emotional by tae's words....a click sound was heard...

"Did you just clicked my picture...hey delete that ...I m not looking good.."

" never looked bad "taehyung said giving kisses to jungkook's entire face...

"Okay okay ...stop.. stop"jungkook  said giggling but taehyung started kissing him more....

Present day....

Jungkook was sitting in the floor holding his head...

"Kook..."taehyung entered the room and get worried after seeing the younger in this state...he quickly run to him...

"Kook are you okay...what happened ?!! "Jungkook looked at taehyung...and then pull him into a tight hug...

"I Missed you tae ..."taehyung was shocked ...did just younger said he missed him ...but ...then suddenly he realised...

"Did you remembered everything ...."
Taehyung asked excitedly but he got no response...then he noticed that the younger wasn't moving ...he break the hug ...and see that jungkook is already passed out...

He hold jungkook in bridal style and take him to his room...after putting him in the bed carefully...he also lay down next to jungkook ...they are facing each other... taehyung caressed jungkook cheek...and kissed his forehead...

"How much I have to wait for you's killing me from inside... without you there is no existence of mine..."

And taehyung pulled jungkook more closer ...he closed his eyes feeling youngers warmth...and soon drifted into the dreamland....


"Heyyyyy....why we are sleeping together .."taehyung heard jungkook screaming....that means jungkook didn't remember anything....

Taehyung doesn't have energy to argue with him at least not this time ...he get up and stormed out of the room before jungkook say anything....

Jungkook confusely watched him going outside ...."what's wrong with him " he thought but shrugged it off...and went to get fresh....

Taehyung directly went to his room and called jimin...who come as soon as possible... clearly running all the way here...jimin looked at taehyung...and it was the one of the rare time when taehyung show his emotion....his eyes have fear ...which he see second time ...first time was in jungkook's accident....

"What happened tae..."he asked softly....

"Chim ...I m scared...what if he never going to remember me would I live without him ..."taehyung said ...he was going crazy ....

"Chim ...I will kill myself and him... it's the only way we can be together...I will take him with myself...yeah .. nobody can separate us then...."

"Tae... relax... don't worry...I will make sure jungkook never leave you okay...I will "jimin said quickly hugging taehyung...

Otherside jungkook was standing outside of the room ....and only heard the killing part...he scared now...this man is really crazy and can go any limit to make him his....he quickly run away from there before anyone notice him...he lock his door as he was hella scared... started to cry ..he thought taehyung maybe coming to kill him anytime.....

When both taehyung and jungkook doesn't come to have breakfast...Suga got worried...he was getting up to call jungkook...he saw jimin is coming down with taehyung....

"Where is jungkook.."he asked...both man look at him... confused

"Isn't he here...I thought he was here with you..."jimin said he looked towards taehyung....

No no...if jungkook is trying anything then taehyung may really kill both of them...he is not in his state of mind today...jimin thought but before he can say anything ... taehyung run towards the jungkook's room...


~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ have been you lately...??!

I want to ask you something... originally I was going to finish this story at 20-30 chapter...but it looks like.. I already crossed 20 tell me
How many chapters you want ??!!

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