chapter 2

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Lets first introduce the characters (only in this chapter):-

-jeon yoongi aka Suga-24 years old-jk's brother

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-jeon yoongi aka Suga
-24 years old
-jk's brother

-park jimin aka chim
-20 years old
-suga's boyfie

-jeon jungkook aka kookie-19 years old -lil baby of Suga and jimin

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-jeon jungkook aka kookie
-19 years old
-lil baby of Suga and jimin

Now let's continue the story......

Jungkook woke up with sweat in his face and a loud was a whole month since he was seeing a mysterious man in his dream murdering people so cruelly...and saying the same word ..."find me ....I m here "jungkook don't know what's the meaning of all this's a meaningless dream but it's feel so real he was also present there.....but he never saw clearly the face of the man he only can see his eyes in his dream...his voice sound so familiar to him ...but he never meet anyone like him right ??
And he can't ask about this to his only one brother "suga hyung" that's what he called him ..... otherwise he may get more worried about him...and blame him for not taking medicine on time ..but it's not his fault ...he has some type of short memory loss ...he can't remember things for a long time (not like he forgets all the things)....he discharged from hospital for about 1-2 months ....eversince his brother grounded him in this house ...he can't go alone anywhere...he can't lock his room from inside....he have to take medicine on time ...etc etc ....but  he managed to agree his brother to continue his college ofcourse  with the help of his "jimin hyung" so jimin is Suga's boyfriend and he is still in the college so he can look after him Suga allow him to go college...
he doesn't remember much  but his hyung told him that he was a scholar and very good student ...he decided to join today but again he get that nightmare...he sighed thinking about all this and drinks water from the side table ...then take out a dairy and write everything what he saw in his dream.....for some unknown reason he doesn't want to forgot about the mysterious person...

"Bub ...come and eat your breakfast"
His hyung called from downstairs...he fell asleep in sitting position ...he get up from bed ...and strech his back ....
"Coming hyung" with that he made his way to the kitchen ....

"Good morning hyungs "he said with a smile and sit down infront of jimin...yes jimin shift here after his discharge cause Suga has to take care of him and they both get so little amount of time for each other .... jungkook felt guilty but he knows even if he says that to his hyungs they are not gonna listen ...

"Good morning jungkook"jimin said and serve him his breakfast ..."so you are coming na ?? "He asked jungkook ...
"Yeah hyung ...and Suga hyung you can go to work now...I will be fine don't worry okay..."jungkook said eyeing his brother who is rethinking his decision...
After breakfast they all went to their respective rooms to get ready ....
Within 20 minutes now everyone is  heading towards their destination....


So this chapter is basically to give a Lil introduction about jungkookie and his family...don't worry babies the more interesting parts are on their way...

I know it's boring but have a Lil patience na....

Let me know your thoughts 💭...

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