chapter 26

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Jungkook is lost of words..and confused glare of his hyung made it more worse...he don't even know this person....but when the said man stand infront of him...he merely whispered...
"Who are you ...i don't know you..?!"
The man's eye widened ...that can be understandable...he turned towards Suga...

"What happened to him...he didn't react the way I expected him to be ..."it was not normal...the normal should be jungkook jump up on him and started to punch him ...cause he knows that he was trying to kill taehyung....but nothing like that happening...

"Where is taehyung.."he asked further...when there is no answer ...but again no he signal his man to search the mansion....and yes there is no sign of taehyung...

Suga somehow managed his sense...he felt like if he say that they are not here's going to be trouble for them ...
" are searching for taehyung...I think they maybe here somewhere...they are gonna return soon.. right ..?! "He said elbowing jungkook...

"Yes ...yess ..."he said getting Suga's intention...

"Okay ...but I m not here for them...i wanted to meet you btw...and it seems like luck is by my side's easier for me let's continue our chat in another place" He signalled his mens and they started to come forward with their guns ...

"Bring them to our secret place.."
Suga and jungkook is confused after listening to his why everyone loved to kidnap them... Jungkook felt like he needs to do anything...suddenly jungkook started to run towards the man ...jump on him and grab his hairs...

"You can't take us that easily..."firstly he thought maybe he can delayed the time little further until taehyung come .....soon Suga also show some courage and kick the man near him ... causing him to loose his gun and he quickly grab the gun from his hands...

"Hands up...put your guns on the floor quickly.." and everyone obeyed him...
Here jungkook doesn't leave the man's hair yet ....he was trying to get his phone..and successfully did it somehow...

He thought of calling police but the another man is also too strong it's not easy for him to call anyone... before he dialed any number...he already mistakenly called first number... luckily it was Taehyung's number....he can heard his voice...

"Help...he was going to kid..."a strong arm pulled the phone from his hand and the next second it was on the floor broken....

He quickly grab younger's hair. ...

"Don't think you can escape from me..."he said in a husky voice...and there jungkook got again a flashback....he sit down holding his head with a painful scream.... Suga's mind diverted and he run towards his brother....the guards took this chance...and drag both of brother with them .when they reach their car.they forcefully made them smell the chloroform...and both the brothers passed out.

"Hurry up they are gonna return soon...we need to leave before they come "the man command....the guards quickly
Push jungkook and Suga inside the car. Their car soon leave from there... leaving a bloody and scary scene behind....


After leaving the mansion...

"How much more time jimin...we need to do it quickly"taehyung was getting impatient can be understandable...he surely wants to kill that man with his bare hands...but here they are collecting their data till now...

"Don't worry tae...soon we are gonna find them "jimin said caressing his back.. suddenly Taehyung's phone rings...he looked at the unknown number...who is this.. he thought but nonetheless he picked up the call ...

"Hello ...who is this..?!!"he asked

"Help...he was going to kid.."he heard jungkook's voice from another side ...
Wtf's jungkook..

"Hey jungkook ...what happened..."he started but the call was already cut from other side...he again dialed the number but it's switched off...

"Jimin something is's jungkook.he was asking for help... let's go..they need us. "taehyung said as he run towards his car and jimin quickly followed him after saying his man's to continue the investigation...

Taehyung was worried like hell...who won't when you feel like your your loved one is in danger and you are not there to protect him.... taehyung was angry and frustrated cause it was never a good idea to leave them alone....he wants to reach there as soon as possible...jimin also praying that it's not bad he was thinking and jungkook and Suga to be safe ...cause he don't know what will happen when taehyung find that person who try to touch jungkook or maybe he knows...

As soon as they reach the was all red...dead body of the guards are scattered there...they runs inside the mansion..there was everything scattered indicating jungkook and Suga struggled a lot....they search everywhere...but they can't find them... taehyung was so frustrated...why why why ....he needs his jungkookie as soon as possible in his arms....

Jimin's mind was also blank ....he wasn't expecting all this... but they needs to find them quickly...
Suddenly Taehyung's eyes fell on the ring ...which may be fall when jungkook was struggling ...he pick up the ring...and his blood boil ...the ring is beautiful and a letter M was craved with a small diamonds ...which was shining...
No doubt it was dare he...he was going to show him the hell...

"MINGYU....WAIT FOR THE HELL NOW"taehyung screamed even jimin was scared of this side of taehyung... suddenly jimin's phone ring...he looked at the caller id and put the phone on the speaker....

" you find what I told you ..."jimin asked...

"Yeah...I got was a person named MINGYU ...he planned everything..."

That's it was enough for taehyung to boil his the fuck sake he forget about this mingyu guy... actually he saw his this ring on jungkook's drawer ...when he asked him about the ring...he tell him everything mingyu was following him everywhere...he sends that ring in the morning as a gift.... taehyung was ready to kill mingyu but jungkook stopped him ....he said that he was going to deal with this mingyu ...but taehyung insist to come with him ...and that's how he meets mingyu ....they warn him enough...he agreed to leave the country forever...

So it was him ....okay get ready to face the devil now...

"Let's go jimin...Now we know where we can find him ..." With that they both went towards their cars ....


Hope you liked this chapter 🫂✨....

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Bye bye lovelies 💜 and I love you all ...

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