past story 3(continued...)

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"tae..where are you dragging me...stop .."  I said as I was being dragged by taehyung almost 10 minutes...

"Stop it kook... don't get close to
anyone ...i told you that you are mine .."taehyung said angrily as he press
the younger into the wall....

" didn't proposed me and I never said yes to you ..then why ?! I have rights to make friends..." I said with a sacarism...

Suddenly taehyung phone buzzed ...he look at his phone ...

"Let's talk about this later okay...I will call you ..!"with that taehyung run from there...

I want to say something but he was gone...what is this important that he has to leave that faster...I thought but shrugs it off....

Okay ...I somehow liked his possessiveness towards me ...when you never felt that from anyone except your brother ...and most importantly he can accept me the way I m ... nothing matters then..I smiled thinking about that ....

"You look kinda cute when you're smiling..."a boy passerby said he forward his hand for a shake ...I guess..

"Hey don't talk to him...he was V's boy.."another boy who saw this scenario and tried to warn the boy...

"So what ...I m just stating the fact .."but before he can say anything ...the another boy dragged soon as possible...

"Okay that's crazy ... V's boy .. really ?!!"I said to myself as I walked towards my class...

The rest of the time taehyung didn't disturb me as he usually do...he even didn't come to my class by excuses today..what's is's like he disappeared after that phone call....huh why do I care's not like I m missing him....

The last bell rang and everyone excited to go home ....well me too...I want to eat my hyungie's food me he was the best I was thinking about the food I heard some noise ...I walked to the crowd...but I what saw make my blood boil ...ohh so it's the important thing...

There taehyung is standing with a boy who is hugging him ...the boy was cute and looking like a angle and obviously taehyung was not protesting it he has a boyfriend...

"Look ... didn't I say that they are dating.."a girl said to her friend...

"Yeah V never liked to touched by anyone and here he is hugging him ..."

Listening to there conversation makes me more he was a playing with me ... I m stupid for believing him...okay I will stay away from him ...
He also stole my first kiss... suddenly our eyes meet...he looked at me than the boy ..he said something to the boy and break the hug...he come towards me to say something ...but I don't want to listen anything from him...

"Stay away from me ...Mr V.." I said making him stop ...

"Kook let me explain .."he said but I really can't control anymore if I stay there and I don't wanna kill that boy infront of everyone ... although I want to do it so badly...

"There is nothing to explain...I can see ..good luck with your boyfriend" I run away from there as it was hard for me to control my anger....after I come out from the university ...I can't control myself anymore so I started punching the wall until my hand started bleeding... somehow my anger calm down a little bit ...I called a taxi and went to home...

I went directly to my room ignoring my brother's shout from behind be truth I don't want my brother to see me like I quickly locked my room...

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