past story 3

41 4 10

I like the house was strangely scary and comfortable at the same time feel like I can be myself here need to act ...he hand me some of his clothes as we both are covered in blood strange I didn't notice it till now...after freshing up ...I was sitting in dinning table and he was cooking ..(no no need for shock it was just a instant noodles...) ...

After eating ..we are sitting in the living area ...btw I really want to stay away from him at the same time I want to ask him so many I decide to ask ...

"Umm how many sides do you have ...". I asked suddenly...he looked at me ..and smiled ..I would be lying if I say that smile doesn't make my heart skipped a beat...

"This side of mine is only for you...after you come  into my life I don't know what happened to me ...why I care for you that much ...why everything about you matters me so much know what my first time bandaging someone..also cooking for someone..hell I don't even bring anyone to my house ..."
Is he confessing to me ..or telling himself..?! His words felt too geninue not to believe...

"Uhh..then what about earlier's like you are different person...I see a different sparkle when you are killing them ...what was that ..?! "I dared to ask ...

"Don't you like to kill too ..?! "- V

"Yes..huh ..wait do you know that ?!" Who the hell is this person...but he just chuckled...

" I grew up in a orphanage ...the warden there was heartless ...the worst person I ever meet...she sold children for money and no one care about orphans...she tortured and hurt children for fun...that's when I realized this world doesn't give a fuck about us day she told me someone wants me ...and I know very well that what's she mean ...i didn't protest instead I agree...but that evening I saw her torturing a little boy ...I had enough of her I took the first step and killed won't believe I stab her 50 times until her internal organs turns into pieces...her painful scream and torturing face gives me a unknown pleasure...that feeling was thrilling ...I killed a person when I was only 7 years old ...and after that nobody can stop me ..not the power not even money..." Jungkook got goosebumps by listening to V's story...

"And when I saw you first time ...I saw the same thing in your eyes when our eyes meet ...I wanted to confirm so I followed you ... something about you that attracts me ...when your eyes lit up in the glimpse of blood ...I was sure that you are same kind as me ..." He finished and get up from his seat...

I was confused ...I just stare at his back ... obviously I didn't judge him cause yes we both are forced to become killer opps no... psychopath killer...

He returns with a banana milk and some beer for himself...
"Here drink it "  he said giving me banana milk...

"Thanks..." I said as he sit down beside me or more like facing me ... another moment of silence passed with me drinking my banana milk and he staring at me ...I decided to break this awkward silence...

"Ok ..tell me what do you want from me ...why you are stalking me .. because of this ?!! To confirm that I m a psychopath or not ?! " He quickly sit up right and hold my face with both of his hands ...

"Naah kook...I already know who you are from the day's just I can't believe how can someone this beautiful ...your eyes ..lips..nose..face even your body everything is so can I just ignore you caught my attention ..and I will make sure you will be mine ...and yes my real name is  Kim taehyung are the second person who knows my real name ... don't worry first one is my best friend will meet him soon "I felt flustered by his words but who is gonna admit that huh....I free my face from his hand ....

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