past story 1

52 6 7

Jungkook's pov :-

At midnight ...
It's my birthday today,I m gonna turn into 18 now adult ,have I allowed right ??!!

"Happy Birthday to you ... happy birthday to you.. happy birthday .. happy birthday to you dear jungkookie" I smiled at my Hyung who entered my room with a cake .. singing happy birthday song..

Yeah I was happy with my hyung...he take care of me after my parents passed away ... although I was quite happy that my parents are dead cause obviously they don't like me..they called me "monster"... Even my mother tried to kill me but she can't because of Suga hyung..

He always loved me ...even though everyone is scared of me and call me monster..he still stay by my side ...he said that ..
" i don't care what everyone think of you are my lil brother and I will always take care of you kookie "

"Hey where are you lost ...make a wish quickly "he said waving his hand infront of me...

"Hmm..."  I closed my eyes ..after sometime I blow the candle and cut the cake we are food fighting or more likely cake fighting with each other...

"My hyung is so innocent ...make him happy forever..."

That was my wish....

After the cake fighting ..Suga Hyung return to his room and I also get freshen up....

You all must be thinking why my parents don't like me and called me monster...??!!

Well actually they doesn't want to have me ...they doesn't want a second child but it was too late and they have to keep me ...they never love me like their child ...I experienced the worst childhood that are nightmare to others..

Maybe that's why I m like this ...I m so addicted to pain now...I like to see others in pain I getting crazy day by day ?! I always thought ...

My mom always ignored me ...they just want me to dead I guess... slowly I started like this loneliness ...I found new way to forget everything...I found something that gives me peace ....

when I was 4 years old I was playing in the garden...then found a small cat was so small and his smooth skin ..

"I really want to cut it so bad .."yeah that's what I thought and quickly pick up the cat....I sit down in a corner of the garden and take out my secret weapon...a small and sharp knife (I steal it from papa's pocket )...then I slowly started cutting the smooth skin of the cat ...he tries to run away ..but poor cat ...I was enjoying it ...the red blood stains on my hands's freaking beautiful....but then I heard a scream ..I turned to see my mother...she run towards me...and hold my neck tightly....

"MONSTER..." I heard her...I chuckled...

"Who was the reason for me to become.a monster..." I wanted to tell but then 6 year.old Suga hyung save me...he stopped mother and drag me with him...

"Kookie don't do that again..hyung loves you so much ..I will protect you from everyone" he said washing my blood stained hand...

"Please kookie... promise me " he said in a pleading tone ...I smiled at him ...

"Okay hyung...I promise I won't do that again"

he quickly hug me ...I also hugged back ..

"Infront of you..." I completed my sentence in my mind ....

After that I pretend to be good and very normal guy infront of Suga hyung...for him I am a innocent ,pure lil baby....


I got up from bed's my birthday also my first day at University ...but who likes to study btw... But I want my hyung to happy ... If he wants me to go to the university so I will go...

I get ready...I don't like crowd place so I wear a pair of black hoodie and jeans so that no one will notice me...hyung went to work after preparing breakfast...I eat breakfast and went to University...

I was walking towards the classroom.. ignoring everyone.. suddenly I heard some noise...I saw a large crowd surrounding i put on my headphone  and walk past to them as soon as possible....I looked at the boy who is the same time he also looked at me ...our eyes locked for a second...the I turned and leave ...he was handsome to be honest..maybe that's why he is popular...

My class take place in a quiet place .. and I  was thankful for that ... suddenly I felt someone is following me...I looked behind but found my guts never lie to me ....

So I take U turn to avoid who is following me ...after wondering here and there for 10 minutes...I felt relieved as no one is following me now ...but suddenly someone pinned me to the wall...I looked at him ...ohh he was the boy from earlier...

"What are you doing" I asked him...but he was just starting at me ...I saw something in his eyes but don't know what is that ...

"Looking at you ..."he replied...

"Leave me " I said getting annoyed...

" are quite special caught my eyes in first glance... that's mean now no one can look at you .." He said and smirked....

"Wtf is wrong with you ...leave me .." i struggle to get out of his hold ..but he was strong ... slowly his one hand hold my waist tightly and pulled me more closer...he whispered in my ear...

"My name is V ..and get used to these cause from now on i will stick to you ..."

"btw what's your name" he asked casually... leaving my hands...

"Crazy..." I pushed him and run from there ...

He was crazy ..I thought...uff also I was  already late for my first class because of him..I wish I don't have to see him otherwise I may lost my control...and killed him...

so let's discover something...I wonder around the university it was big...after that I went to garden area ...when I was roaming around I found a lake behind the college...and a tree house...I climb to the was beautiful to be honest...I felt peace here ...I slowly get off from the tree ...and started to walk towards the class...then suddenly I saw something
and I know i guessed it correctly was someone's blood is scattered there ...did someone get killed here...

Wow first day is quite interesting...I thought as a smirk formed on my face ...


Hey hope you like the chapter ❤️...

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See you in next chapter..bye bye 👋

Love you 🤟

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