past story 2

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Ok I thought maybe you need some taekook scene let's start the drama..

Jungkook's pov :-

It's been a week I started university and
Everything was going fine ..I didn't expect I would like my university I was quite bored putting an innocent act infront of my hyung... expect for one thing that V ...he was following no stalking me everywhere..
I don't know what's his deal but he is getting on my nerves...I can't kill him cause it's gonna be chaos like who can't unnoticed a charming handsome greek god looking guy disappeared suddenly...and of course I m not complementing him...

Today as usual I was going to university but a bit early ...I don't want to face him again...I can't afford to ruin my mood especially today...

When I reached my university ,it was quite and I really like this silence.. everything was so peaceful...I headed towards the secret room I discovered ...I want to spend more time there but for some annoying creature named as V, I can't...

It was dark and the only source of light is the sunlight which is very low as sun didn't rise yet...

I sit there and take out my things...and a bottle of blood..which I took out from our neighbor's son who liked to bully my innocent self ...too bad now he can't..
I despise people who thought themselves great and nobody can do anything to him...

I m so excited to draw this piece of art...I liked the colour of blood and whenever I get to draw with blood it's feels so exciting.. which is very I want to enjoy this moment fully...

After spending one and half hour ..I finally finished my was beautiful ..the bright red colour of blood and faded sunlight makes it more beautiful...I was quite happy with my work ...but then ..

"It was beautiful..."I turn to see him as expected he was standing there hands are resting  on his chest..

"What are you doing here ..."I asked him ...I thought I escaped from him but my bad luck...

"Ohh..I was watching you look so hot and cute when you draw in a serious face..."he answered casually as it's the normal things to do ...not creepy at all..btw who is more creeper...?me or him ...well I don't know...

"How long you are here..."he chuckled at my question...

"Some time ago...when you are so emerged in your painting..."it was my time get shocked...

"How did you know I m here  ?!"-jk

"I know everything about you baby .. "-V

Should I just killed him and throw him here ...and nobody will find him soon ...I thought and went near him hiding the sharp paint brush behind ....

" you really know everything about me then "I stand infront of him...he just stare at me...
I went closer to his ear and whispered..

"Then I should give you a reward for keeping me company..."I smirk and about to stab him on his neck but he hold my hand eyes widened...did he knew my intention...there is no way he can stop me that fast ...

"Let me tell you baby are so easy to read "he whispered back in my ear...I looked at him..his face was serious and his eyes ...yes his eyes are dark...who are you ..I want to ask him...but I can't even open my mouth...

He throw the paint brush on the floor..
Why god he is so annoying...I thought and grabbed my stuff .. quickly left from here ...and yes he following me behind..

All day was like that ...I don't know what to do with him but I don't liked to get watched all day...I sighed as my class end .. finally I can get out of here ...I thought and run towards the exit..

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