chapter 20

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In V's mansion....

"Why did you do that ...??!"jimin yelled at the calm man...who was sitting  in a king size chair..after listening to jimin he smirked...

"What about you.. hiding things from me...huh..?!! Tell me ..I trust you even though you know I don't trust are alive be greatful for that..."taehyung said ...yes he was so angry ..if there is another person instead of jimin..he may be dead by now..but as jimin always  understand him and help him(from childhood )...that's why ..he can't kill him...

Jimin gasped at the taehyung already know ...but he has his reason for not telling him...

"Tae ... listen..I m not hiding it.."he started to explain but cut off by taehyung...

"You really love him... don't you?!."taehyung asked raising his eyebrow...
Jimin stopped ...he looked at Taehyung..his bestfriend...he don't know how to explain taehyung everything now ....he remembered their conversation...back then...


Taehyung was sitting on a bench .... suddenly someone come and sit beside him...he looked at the person and smiled...

Jimin:- tae it real that you are flirting with the first year beauty ... jungkook

V:- hey ... don't call him that .... only I can call him beauty..and pet names..

Jimin:-  so I see's true ..but will he love you back..?! I mean after knowing who you are ?!

V:- ofcourse he will...he got no other choices...btw I may need your help in something...

Jimin:- omoo..look the mighty king is asking for help ...from me... command my lord ..what can I do for you...

V:- stop being a dramatic ass... listen I want you to make his hyung fall for you ...and keep an eye on both of them...

Jimin:-  why suddenly..?!!

V:- yess...his brother don't want me to be his lovely brother's boyfriend...he may try to separate us...soo.... want me to act like I m in love with his hyung ...and report everything to you ...

V:- yesss... everything...

Jimin:- well ..I really don't have any problem...If it's gonna help you then I can do it for my bestfriend...

V:- but you know can't afford to fall for him in real just have to act...cause I know he never gonna accept you or me when he gonna found out the truth....btw I m not forcing you...if you started liking him ...I m not gonna stop you ..

Jimin:- you think too much...even if he is gonna accept me..I m not gonna fall in love with someone who hate my bestfriend....that's it ...

It started from there and now jimin is working on his mission...he follow Suga everywhere like a lost puppy...flirt with him ...and finally Suga gave up and accept him... jungkook know jimin ..he was Taehyung's bestfriend...but he doesn't know that jimin was acting...he was happy for his hyung...and with taehyung he never told his hyung about jimin's and Taehyung's jimin told him ..if his hyung know he will hate him ...and he love Suga so much jungkook agreed on it....but jimin don't know where it started...he likes to spend time with Suga .. actually Suga was a gentleman with his loved ones...the way he care for jimin...jimin started liking it .. it feels so real that he forgot he was faking it...he slowly started to fall for Suga day by day.... No matter how much he try to stop himself...

Flashback end..

Taehyung look at jimin he is lost somewhere...he knows the answer but he wanted to listen from be honest ...he has no problem with it as long as jimin's love affect his love life in this situation...."i thought I ask you something jimin..."he finally break the silence ..."I know you will be mad at me but ...yes I love him.."jimin said with fear in his eyes...

"And why I would be mad..jimin i already told you ..I don't have any problem who you date or love ...I m mad at you for hiding truth from me ...and kindly explain me that you know I don't like to wait"before taehyung started anything else ..jimin thought to reply him ...

"Tae...I wanted to tell you right away about jungkook...but that time jungkook was in so serious condition ..he was having panic attacks in every minute ..when he try to remember something he faint..and nightmare... nightmares about you killing someone...and I know you if I told you truth that time you will surely appear infront of him ...and it will worsen the situation...
the doctor said that if we give him some time to remember things then it might be good for his health ...and Suga hyung said it should be better if he can't remember his past at all...but I don't want that so I also brought the medicine which will help in getting back his memory..but I just waiting for the right time... that's why I didn't tell you..."jimin explained everything ... taehyung looked in jimin's eye finding out if he saying the truth or not ...but there is no sign of lying...

He get up and went near the jimin...
"I don't know anything about love ...if he loves you he will accept you as the way you are ..."he patted jimin's shoulder and left the room.....

Well what happened to Suga and jungkook??!!!

It's in another chapter...hehehe... the main plot is started....
Let's rock it ✊

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