chapter - 13

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"umm sorry tae.."jungkook finally said that word ...they are on their  way to Taehyung's house..but jungkook was sad looking at tae's condition...he was feeling so much guilty.. because of him ... taehyung get hurt..."why..?"taehyung asked already knowing the answer ....

"Umm cause ..ahh..umm... because of me you get hurt...btw do you see his face ..??!! know can go to the police"jungkook was hoping that maybe it's his last chance...but to his disappointment..""noo...I didn't see his face ...but I don't think we should mess with him... look at me what he has done ..." Taehyung replied in Stern voice...and jungkook thought maybe he don't want to talk about it ...but what he do next was shocked both of them...

He suddenly turn towards taehyung and hold his face with both his hands...
"Don't worry...I won't let you get hurt..I don't know why hurt like a hell to see you hurt.."jungkook said but he even don't know why he said that...

"okay..kook" taehyung said smiling at him...he found that nickname familiar...was he know taehyung before...? But if that's the case taehyung would tell him...

In Taehyung's mind...
"Oh baby look at are still can't see me hurt like always... that's why ...I have to hurt myself... I know even you don't remember still love me..."

"We are here "taehyung broke the chains of thoughts and said... jungkook also look the house infront of was quite big ...but it give vibes of dark , mystery, and scary somehow but he liked it... black is his fav colour...his room is also black...they both enter the room....and jungkook help taehyung to sit on the couch...."stay here..and don't move okay " with that jungkook went to the Taehyung's kitchen and get the first aid box and he sit infront of taehyung...

Taehyung smirk looking at jungkook who is applying medicine on his face ...
"How did you know where I keep my first aid box" taehyung asked acting a Lil shocked but he already knows how ...

Now realisation hit jungkook...and yes did he knows that...not everyone keep their first aid box in the kitchen...he was himself getting more confused...
"I..I.. don't know...I just know..t.. that was there..I.. don't know...what happening..."jungkook said while trying to find the answer asked by taehyung..he was forcing himself so much that he doesn't realised when he pass out...

Taehyung Quick enough to hold him ...he smirked .. finally his plan succeed...he can spend one day with his love...his jagiya...his everything...

He pick him up in a bridal style ...and put him in the bed ....he sit beside him.. started to caressing his cheeks..he was lost in memories....


How the fuck did this happen...I told you not to come into the kitchen...not to touch the knife...who told you to cut vegetables..when you know you can't..

Babe's just a small cut ..and you know how good I m with knife... beside I want to make something delicious for my baby...

Jk are so good ..but not in the's just a small cut right..then what about when I bumped into someone and's just a small scratch and you didn't let me walk out of my bed...and also you beat the shit out of that boy...

Well he deserve it...and I can't see a single scratch on your know that...

Then same goes for you you are ban to go to the kitchen without my let me put bandage in your cut ....

After bandaging his wounds....

Where are you taking the first aid box...

Ohh keep it in kitchen...

Huh ..but why..???
Who keep first aid box in the kitchen huh??

Look are ban to kitchen you can't go there without my permission ...

So what..??

That's mean you can't hide from me when you get hurt...

V are really something..

After all...I m your boyfriend...
Promise me always tell me when you get hurt...

Yeah yeah I can I get my reward...

What reward??

Taehyung pull jungkook towards him jungkook is lying on the top of him...

What are you doing... Let go ..I m still angry with you ...

Sorry but I not letting you go tonight...


Taehyung turn and hovered over jungkook...

I love you so much kook...

Ohh ... Just shut up...

With that jungkook met their lips together...they started to kiss like there is no tomorrow...the kiss was full of love ...rough and needy...

I love you too...

Jungkook said between the kiss... taehyung smile without stopping their passionate kiss...
(Bas ho gaya...han han I know what you are expecting but no smut in this chapter)

End of flashback...

"Ohh ...I miss these days love.." taehyung said looking at jungkook ....he just want their old days...he wants his jungkookie back...


I m feeling like dumb 🤣...
Don't you think I m making my dangerous male character like a scared cat infront of jungkook ...

Ohh I m laughing at my own story...

Btw no need to hurry...
Abhi humare pass bahat time hai (we have so much time )...

I just love their moments...💗

(Btw it's just me or anyone else who thinks tae's new song fri(end)s is fully dedicated to jungkookie...let me know 🤭)

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